Chapter Nine

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Theme song to the top or side.

Theme song: "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" by Pat Benatar

We are dancing around the barn like madmen. It's so much fun. To my favorite song hit me with your best shot, I felt a slight throbbing on the roof of my mouth but it went away so I guess it is a trick of my mind.

"This is way more fun than it should be!" I yell over the music

"Come here,"

I giggle then let him pull me in so we can kiss. He slipped his tongue but pulls away quickly.

"Ouch! What was that?"

"What?" I asked a little hurt, thinking he ment my kissing.

His eyes widened "Fangs,"


"You have fangs and they poked my tongue, here smile." I did.

"Damn," He was happy though.

"Take a picture so I can see them" He got out his phone and swore.

"You are a half-vampire I can't get a good picture just put them away and look in a mirror," I nod, but I don't know how.

"I think I'm thirsty."

"Did you drink what Crepsley gave you?"

"No," I went to my bag and took out the water bottle with blood in it and drank half but made myself stop. The fangs retracted with a throbbing again.

"I'm going to have to brush my teeth now," He nods and we start walking to my house.

We arrive and Isabel is at the couch

"Hi Bell I'm gonna brush my teeth be right back,"

"Steve go home," I heard Isabel whisper

I have to get the blood stains off my teeth before she comes up which I know she will. She came up.

"Lizzy it's time for you to know what happened to Mom and Dad,"

I looked up intrigued we never talked about it.

"This will sound crazy, but you have to know not to be afraid." She takes a deep breath. "They were turned into vampires. It's okay to be scared but that will do no good. Vampires don't kill a person when they feed see."

She rolled up her sleeve and showed me a scar about a centimeter across

"That is from mom. She fed on me once... Aunt Mary killed them because she's a vampire hunter and they could have killed us. Vampire Hunters don't know that vampires don't kill when they feed."

I told her about me "Friday night I went to a freak show with Steve and Darren after the show Steve told us to go he would meet us at his place but we didn't leave.

"One of the performers was a vampire and threatened to kill Steve so we stepped in I said my name and then the vampire, Crepsley, said if Darren and I would be his assistants he would let Steve go free.

"We said yes. Next Friday we were going to fake our death and leave with him. That's why I did what I did with Steve because I would never get another chance."

I finished quickly we swapped one secret for another that's how I work with Bell.

"Did you say Crepsley?"

"Yes, that is his name Larten Crepsley."

"That's who changed Mom and Dad." she said "and you had to brush your teeth because he gave you a bottle of blood and you just drank it." She didn't say it like a question, putting it together.

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