Chapter Twelve

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Theme song: "Chattahoochee" by Jason Aldean

I can't stop smiling I love the creek it's so much fun!

Finally we arrive there, and I notice that Tommy and Alan came too. I can't be happier.

I jump out of the car and hug them both

"I'm so happy to see you guys!" I say as I pull in Alan. Then return under Steve's arm.

"You act like we haven't seen each other in forever." Tommy said

"I know, the last time we saw each other we fought so I'm glad to not be mad at each other anymore." I frown

"Oh," he say, guilty

Right after I pull of my bright green cover up I grab Alan and push him in the water then run and jump in myself pulling Tommy with me.

We all laugh the Darren pushes Steve in, jumping after him splashing us all.


The 5 of us lay in the sun before it start to set I look at my phone it's 5:00. I'm hungry, but not for food. I roll over and put my head on Steve's chest and he wraps his arm around me, keeping me in his everlasting sunlight embrace.

"I'm hungry let's go eat!" Alan declares

We agree taking turns changing in the car and Darren pulls into my house. Maybe those noobs think I'm going to cook. Ha! Yeah right. I'm not cooking.

We file out making our way to the door, I can smell stake, garlic mashed potatoes, rolls and green beans before we make it up to the steps. Wait, is that bacon? Oh, that's right Isabel wraps bacon around stake when it cooks. My stomach rumbles.

Darren opens the door and all the smells rush towards me, I grin. Darren planned this whole day for my birthday and Isabelle made me a big dinner. I could cry, except I normally don't allow myself to cry; up until recently.

"You are the best friend ever," I give Darren a hug that would crush somebody human. He seemed like it was hurting him; I forgot he doesn't drink human blood. How can a vampire not drink human blood he's like a vampatarin the only thing is, it will kill him.

You don't know how happy I am that I can still eat human food.

"Isabel, this is amazing! Thank you thank you thank you!" I ran up a bit to fast and hugged her.

Then I went straight to the kitchen to fill my plate the boys and Bell are right behind me. I am most excited to sit at the head of the table where dad would always sit. We reserve it for our birthdays we don't really say it but we even get uncomfortable if a friend sits there; we might not say anything but it's there. I love how connected I feel to my father, me and him were closer than me and my mother don't get me wrong I love and miss her but I miss him more. I sat and smiled to myself. Darren sat in my mothers chair to my left; Steve knew that and got a bit frowny but he will have to get over his jealously problem. He sat down to my right, grudgingly.

To cheer him up I grabbed his hand giving it a light squeeze and a reassuring smile, then ate.

I wish the steak could have been a under done but of course my human friends are here. I took a really big smell focusing on the fridge and I think I caught some raw meat in there. Mmm a midnight snack.

Isabel asked about sports and we all had a great time. After dinner Isabel left and we played video games for an hour or so. I could almost smell the blood coming from our enemies through the screen, so could Darren.

"Ha! Yea! I win again, woohoo!" Tommy stood up pumping his fist in the air. The four of us groaned tossing the controller to the side. Tommy always wins and makes to big of a deal out of it. I took out an imaginary gun and aimed it at the back of his head then shot but only so Steve Alan and Darren could see. They laughed.

Steve pulled me to him and whispered in my ear "Feisty," I smiled and I whispered back "I don't like losing," he kissed me

Ironically, Tommy pretended to shoot him self so I pulled away then ran to the closet to get out my nerf guns. I moved them out until I found mine and shot Tommy in the arm, too bad I was ameing for the ear, it stings when you get hit in the ear.

"Point for me!" I laughed they all ran to get their guns and proceed to shoot each other.

We couldn't of had a better time. I totally forgot about vampires and blood and death faking.

At 11:00 everyone but Steve had left.

We talked for a while then I told him he should leave Isabel will be back soon.

"Do I have to?" he whines

"Yes," I give him a quick kiss and push him through the door

"I love you!" I call out to him

"I love you too!" he answers

I shut the door and get ready for bed, but my phone woke me up at 3:00 a.m.


Miss u


Miss u too


Come over?


I want to sleep


:( ill come to u


Goodnight luv

I sent dismissing the topic. I turned my phone on silent rolled over and we to back to sleep, almost. There was a taping on my door. Ugh.

"Come in," I rasped

Steve came in laying down by me I grabbed his hand and fell asleep.

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