Chapter Twenty-Two

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Theme song: "Black Cat" Janet Jackson

Steve p.o.v.

"Common Liz, you don't need him," (She didn't look to happy about this and looked back at me for assistance) Tommy claimed, grabbing her arm just above her wrist and tugging her along to her car, Alan in his wake resting a hand on her back. Darren joins them. Tommy opening the dusty handle for her to which she did not take lightly.

Liz wrenches her arm away from his grip "I am perfectly capable of opening a door thank you very much," Liz slammed it in his face, I smirk. Feisty. I like it. By this time Darren is in his own car so I look over and he winks at me, I roll my eyes. I decide best to go home because I don't know where they went, probably Darren's place.

Liz p.o.v.

After Tommy manhandles me into my own car, quite irritating might I add, the passenger seat, and drives me! He. Drives. Me. Why is he doing this? And he seems mad beyond belief. Probably because he is.

"He was hurting you all this time and you wouldn't be with me," he states "Women are crazy," he mumbles

"Watch it!" I interject as he swerves "Where are we going?"

"My house-" his house oh hell no who does he think he is because I am not just someone he can push around I do what I want, his house pfft. That makes me mad.

"No! take me home that's kidnapping! I want to go home!" He didn't stop so I opened the door

"Liz! What are you doing!" And I purposely make a sloppy human like jump, falling on my stomach and rolling before getting up. He slams on the brakes but I'm too determined, by the time he is out of the car and on the pavement I am running down the side walk, human speed. I run straight pass Darren in his house and he sees me out the window, I barley caught a glance of the worried look before he dashed out to the door to chase me too. He just that much faster then Tommy and tackles me to the ground towards the grass.

"What the hell are you guys trying to do? I. Want. To go. Home. You can't just force me to do your will!"

"Liz, we just want to help," Darren said softy

"Help! If you want to help me let me go home." I shout just as Tommy catches up to us, shoves Darren over and offers his hand to help me up, but I refuse, making a point to struggle getting up. I dust off my backside spin in my heel then march off. And away she goes. Darren came up to me as quick as I was to jump out of the car. Whispered in my ear that I have to let them take me to his house and for me to please cooperate a little more for the sake of the plan.

I answer a little louder than nessecary "Fine! I'll go!"


"I already told you, I am not your girlfriend and that means you cannot kiss me!" I growl to a frightened Tommy cowering on the floor. I think he caught a glimpse of my fangs they made a momentary appearance when I got really mad after he brushed my lips with his, he couldn't take a hint if it came up to him and said 'Hello I'm a hint SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU get it?' and them smacked him silly.

Steve came bounding down the stairs and marched over to our dear friend Thomas, who has since got up when I looked away to see who was coming down stairs. Steve took Tommy by the throat and slammed him against the wall.

"Next time I leave you alone with her you won't kiss her got it?" he nods fear stamped across his tan face

"Liz, did you get him good?"

"Every time," I say happily as I would answer to how often Darren scores a goal, batting my eyes lashes. The boy held by the throat by a vampire has the never to check me out, Steve holds his grip tighter.

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