Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Miranda's POV:

To be honest time flies by fast. It has been three months since I was discharged from the hospital. Joey actually left me, but he did beat me before he left.


"Can you believe that it's been a month since the whole Styles thing?" Joey asked me while we we in the park watching Darcy play around. "Mhm."

"Is that all you say anymore? Jeez Miranda, if you can't speak, then go back to school."

Joey has probably become more of a douche then he used to be. He even told everyone that we were dating and you know what, the other day he asked me to marry him, but I told him that I'll think about it. It was starting to get dark and Darcy looked exhausted.

"Mommy, I'm tired." Darcy said as she walked over to Joey and I. "Okay sweetheart. Come on I'll take you home." I said as I scooped Darcy into my arms. Joey drove us back to my house since he picked us up. "Thanks again Joey," I said as got out of his truck and entered the house.

I changed Darcy into her pajamas, then placed her in her bed. "Goodnight Darcy. Sweet dreams, don't let the bed bugs bite." I kissed the top of her head. Then as I closed the door to Darcy's bedroom I heard a knocking at the door.

When I opened up the door I saw Joey. "Joey, what do you need?" I asked him, not letting him come in. "You know damn well what I want!" He shouted. Please God no, not now. "Joey, look we have gone through good and bad, but I thought we decided to be friends I want Darcy to know her father, which isn't you." I said calmly, but Joey shoved me into my house.

"No one EVER rejects me you pathetic bitch! No wonder that bastard left you! I mean look at you! You are living off you rich uncle and have a 2 year old bastard child! That kid was a mistake and it should have never been born!" Joey hit me in the stomach and left.

As he left another car pulled into my driveway. It was a black car and looked a lot like Harry's. I miss Harry, but I have heard he hates me and thinks I cheated on him. Just then I saw a guy with curly hair come through the door and shut it, then locked it.

"Miranda, it's been so long." Harry said in n evil voice. No I know that tone, he was always like this when he was going to do something bad to me. Now I was terrified. He came closer and knelt to where I was on the ground. "You know that I love/hate you, but that changed when I learned about that Joey person." Harry had so much venom in his voice.

Harry started to beat me, but not as bad as he used to. Just as I thought he was done, Harry scooped me up and brought me to my room. Harry threw me on the bed then crawled on to it and place himself straddling me. "Did you really think I would leave you without doing something else?" He asked, but I was scared.

Harry took of his clothes and then mine. (I'm not adding in that part) I just realized something, Harry Styles just raped me.

~End of Flashback~

I took Darcy to Louis and Eleanor's, then I went to lunch with Amelia. When I arrived at the restaurant Amelia was waiting. "Hey babe! I haven't seen you in forever!" She said as we gave each other a hug. We ate our lunch and then I told her the news I had for her.

"Amelia, I'm pregnant again."

"WHAT?!" She yelled. Everyone in the place stared at us, but then went back to their own private conversations. "Who's the father?" She whispered.


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