Chapter 13

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Chapter 13



~3 Years Later~





Miranda's POV:


"MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY!" Aaron and Carter yelled as they ran down the stairs. They were now three and looked like Harry. Carter had brown hair and his eyes changed colors from blue to green and even brown. He was caring and loved to be around people. Aaron on the other hand has my blue eyes and has a darker shade of brown hair. Aaron is also caring and loves people, but he mostly loves his sister.


Speaking of Darcy, she has changed. Her hair is still some what curly, but her eyes change from green to brown. She has already started kinder-garden along with Tommy, Andy, and Diamond. They all go to a special school made for famous people's children. It's like a boarding school for the stars who send their children from America, but that only happens when they get into high school.


Eleanor and Louis have had another baby named Scarlet Jane Tomlinson. She is only two years old and they are actually expecting to have another baby, but we don't know the genre yet. Scarlet has brown hair and her mom's eyes. I swear that the Tomlinsons are going to be able to populate a whole town one day. We are all happy for them, but also we are happy with Liam and Danielle.


Liam and Danielle had their first baby only two months before Eleanor had Scarlet. The baby is a girl named Juliet Rose Payne. She is so adorable! For all the directions that said that Liam and Danielle would have cute children, you are 100% correct!


Amelia and Niall have been doing good I guess. I haven't gotten to talk with Amelia, but everything is fine with them. She is actually pregnant with another baby. She found out two weeks ago that she was pregnant. Niall and her got into a fight because she didn't  like the first time giving birth, but she also doesn't want an abortion, so I guess here comes another Horan.


Okay, after all these years Sophie and Zayn finally got married. Seriously, they had a baby together and then got married like four years later. Morgan looks like Sophie and Zayn. She has tan skin, big brown eyes, and black hair. Morgan is shy and doesn't like being around people, which is hard when your dad is an international pop star. All the kids have to go through the spotlight.


The twins ran up and grabbed on to each one of my legs. "What are you two doing?" I asked as I looked down at them. "Loving you!" They replied. I just laughed and peeled them off of me. "Come on your sister will be home soon," I said. The twins ran out of the room. Both of them adored Darcy and also protected her, but it was funny because they are two years younger then her. It feels some days they are older than her.


Just then the door opened and Darcy came running into the house with Harry behind her. Recently we have been locking the doors because of the fans and paps. "Hi Mommy!" Darcy said as she came into the living room and hugged me. "Hello big girl," I said as I picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheeks. Darcy just laughed and I put her down. Aaron and Carter came running in, almost falling to reach their sister.


"DARCY!!" They shouted and hugged her. Harry walked over to me, but I ignored him and took a picture of the three of them on the ground smiling and laughing. After I took the picture I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Hello love," He said and kissed my neck. "Hi Harry," I said and turned around so that I was facing my sex god husband. He then kissed me on the lips and was able to deepen the kiss. It lasted for awhile, until we were interrupted, but not by Louis this time.


"EEWW!" The kids said. Harry and I broke apart and laughed. We grabbed the kids and started to tickle them. After awhile we stopped, had dinner, then all of us sat on the couch and watched Despicable Me. The twins and Darcy loved that movie, so we all watch it together,  but the kids don't make it through the whole movie. I have to say that the twins were the first ones to fall asleep on Harry's lap. Then Darcy fell asleep in my arms. I just can't believe they are all growing up so fast, it isn't even funny.


I still think Darcy is two years old some days even though she is five! I just can't bear too see them grow up, none the less get in relationships. "Are you alright Miranda?" Harry asked me. I nodded my head, "Yeah I'm fine, but I can't believe that they are growing up so fast. I also can't believe I married my bully," I said. Harry regrets hurting me and we try to not bring it up. "I know. You know have to see our children grow up even though you and me both can't bear it. We get to watch a whole new generation begin. I love you," He said.


"I love you too Harry Styles," I said and we leaned in and kissed passionately.





THE END!!!!!!!

A/N Okay everyone that was the end of the sequel. I hope you liked it! Please comment because all of you are amazayn! You might be wondering why all the dots. for some reason when I post the chapters the spaces are erased, so I have to put dots in to keep the spaces. I will be starting the third book. I had some difficulty with the name of it because no one suggested a title, even though I begged. I do want to thank some of you who said that they will try! The title will be:








Why Do You Hate Me?

It's about Darcy and Tommy. They are in high school now, time flies by fast, I know.

Anyways, thank you for reading this story and the first one! I love all of you!

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