Flashpoint Memory! (50th chapter special)

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Barry smiled and said "there is one memory that I fondly remember, me and Kara....." .

Flashpoint, twelve days after Barry and Kara found out They were having a daughter,

Barry rubbed the sweat of his forehead as he finished painting the first wall in the baby room. He took a step back and smiled a little. He felt two arms wrap around him from behind and then Kara burying her face into his back. Barry chuckled and said "hey you". Kara smiled and mumbled "hey honey". Barry smiled and turned around to face his wife. He smiled more and wrapped his arms around her waist and pecked her on the lips. Kara smiled and said "I'm sorry I'm late, I stopped off at Jitters and got us some lunch". Barry smiled and said "it's ok Kara, thanks, I'm starving". Kara smiled and said "the wall looks good Bar, I just wish I was here to help". Barry smiled and said "you are now Kara, that's what matters, and are you sure you want to quit at Catco". Kara nodded and said "yeah, I want to help you with your projects at the lab, and focus more on us and our little baby girl, I love spending time with my husband". Barry smiled more and said "ok, it'll be nice to get to spend more time with you too". Kara smiled and said "thanks Bar Bar". Barry smiled more and said "I was thinking, after we have lunch and get these walls painted, or at least another one or two, it took all morning to do just that one, I ended up getting another shade of pink and painting over the first pink we chose because the first paint was horrible and looked more purplish than pink". Kara giggled and asked "really". Barry nodded and said "so I was thinking, we could go around to the mall, and we can start looking at the baby clothes". Kara smiled from ear to ear and asked "really". Barry nodded and said "we aren't in a rush to do the baby room, I mean we still need to get a cot, finish painting the walls, we need to get some drawers for the baby clothes, Maybe a play mat and all that too, so I was thinking we could maybe make a start on baby clothes, I know how much you've wanted to start looking at them, I want to start looking too and I just want to see you gush at all the tiny clothes". Kara giggled and said "thanks Bar, I'd love to start looking at them, little Dawn is gonna look so cute". Barry smiled and placed his hand on Kara's small baby bump. He said "yeah she is, She is gonna look adorable like her mother". Kara smiled more and said "thanks honey, you do know that you are adorable too". Barry chuckled and said "thanks babe". Kara smiled and said "come on, let's eat lunch before we continue". Barry smiled and said "ok babe, you are gonna want to put on older clothes though, don't want you getting this nice dress ruined". Kara nodded and said "ok honey, I can wear my old jeans and that white top, They are old anyway, I need to go clothes shopping for new clothes anyway, some to fit me when this gets bigger and for after I've given birth and can fit in smaller clothes again". Barry nodded and smiled at Kara. He said "yeah, you know you look nice in casual clothes". Kara smiled and said "yeah but I love the dresses and that too". Barry said "I know, I do too, but you look good with anything on". Kara smiled more and pecked Barry on the lips. She said "thanks Bar, now come on, let's go eat then I can get changed, and Maybe after we're done painting, we can take a shower together before we go look at the teeny tiny cute baby clothes". Barry chuckled and nodded.

After having lunch, Kara changed into casual clothes and tied her hair up. Barry already made a start on the second wall. Kara walked in and said "babe, I thought we were doing it together". Barry smiled at Kara and said "I literally just started painting this wall, I heard you coming so I made a start, the faster we get these two walls done, the faster we can get to the mall". Kara smiled and said "ok honey, I'll start at this side and we'll meet in the middle". Barry nodded and said "sounds good honey". Kara smiled and lifted up a paint roller and started to work on her side of the wall. Barry smiled more and said "it's still hard to believe that in a few short months, we'll have a little adorable baby girl". Kara smiled and said "I know, to be honest, I'm kind of nervous, but I know we'll be ok, we have you". Barry smiled and said "I'm nervous too babe". Kara nodded. She asked "what are you most looking forwards too". Barry smiled and said "holding her for the first time". Kara smiled and said "I think you'll be a great dad". Barry smiled and said "thanks honey, I think you'll be an amazing mum, you're already a great wife". Kara smiled more and said "I'm so very glad that we stuck together Barry, anybody else probably would have left me if They ended up in a new timeline with a wide They weren't married to before". Barry smiled and said "Kara, I would always Make the choice to stay with you, leaving you just isn't an option for me, I would never hesitate to choose you every time, you mean more than the world to me and you did before I changed the timeline, you always will mean more than the world to me". Kara smiled and wiped away a tear that fell from her eye. She said "that's why I love you so much Barry, you are so kind and amazing, you always put others before yourself and I'm really lucky that I get to call you my husband". Barry smiled and said "I'm lucky that I get to call you my wife Kara, I'm so lucky that I get to wake up next to you feeling loved". Kara smiled and pecked Barry on the cheek. She said "you deserve it Bar, after the two years you had as the Flash and the life you had growing up, you deserve to be happy". Barry smiled and said "so do you". Kara smiled more as they continued to paint the wall.

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