The future has changed!

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Barry and Kara entered the time vault to see Cisco bouncing a ball against the wall. Thawne was leaning against the wall and Caitlin was standing close to the podium. Thawne smiled a little And asked "why do you want us gathered in here Barry". Barry said "well we've never checked to see if the future has changed". Thawne nodded and asked "why the sudden interest". Cisco said "you learned something while on earth 38, didn't you". Barry nodded and said "I accidentally projected my mind into the speedforce again, and they warned me of something, they warned me of a completely different threat from Savitar". Cisco groaned and said "why can't we ever have a break". Kara giggled and said "I agree Cisco". Thawne asked "do we know who it is". Barry shook his head and said "no, just that he is from an alternate earth known as earth prime". Cisco asked "earth prime, there is an earth called earth prime". Kara said "apparently there was an old multiverse". Cisco said "there was a multiverse before this one, how can there be more than one multiverse". Thawne said "it's because a crisis happened". Barry nodded. Thawne said "I heard about this, from the future, I've been to earth prime before, it's a lot like this earth but it is more than one earth combined into one, it has Central City, National City and many others, your doppelganger is also dating a Kara Danvers there". Kara smiled and said "guess it's a multiversal constant". Barry chuckled and said "seems that way". Kara smiled. Thawne said "so you are going to be involved with your earth prime doppelganger". Barry said "and some of my other doppelgangers from other earths, but it apparently depends on if my earth prime doppelganger and the heroes there can stop this threat from getting a thing called the Anti Life equation". Thawne said "that doesn't sound too good". Cisco said "of course not, it's called the Anti Life equation, might as well call it the equation of death". Barry shook his head and smiled. He then approached the podium and asked "Gideon". The A.I appeared and said "yes Barry". Barry asked "can you show us the future newspaper". Gideon said "of course Barry".

A new futuristic newspaper appeared. It was dated 25th April 2024. Thawne said "it's still the same date but you don't vanish". Barry said "it appears that way". Kara said "Justice League defeats outside threat, is it aliens". Barry said "I don't know but whatever it is, we need to get ready for it". Thawne said "and we will, we need to find a way to increase your speed". Barry said "and I know how we do that, are you up for a race". Thawne chuckled and said "I'm always up for beating you in a race". Barry smiled and asked "are you joining us Kara, we could also get Jay when he comes back". Kara smiled and said "can we race as a team". Barry smiled and said "sure, we're similar speeds when we run anyway, at least we are at the moment". Kara smiled and nodded. Caitlin smiled and said "we can set something up I'm sure, right Cisco". Cisco smiled and said "a race around Central City, that sounds epic, I can set things up that can monitor your speeds and who is in what place". Caitlin asked "one question though, how is running going to increase your speed". Barry said "we've been thinking about the whole thing the complete wrong way, we've been analysing it too much, but we need to just have fun and push ourselves, that way, we can explore our powers more Instead of over analysing them". Cisco said "well in that case, give me half an hour, I've been working on this for a while, to see who truly is the faster speedster". Barry chuckled and said "can't wait". Cisco ran out of the time vault, followed by Thawne and Caitlin. Kara giggled and said "this is gonna be fun, we need to win Bar". Barry chuckled and said "I don't mind if I lose, we really need the fun". Kara pouted and said "but we need to rub it in their faces". Barry chuckled and said "babe". Kara smiled and said "yeah Bar". Barry smiled and said "it isn't a competition and if we lose, let's just say that it was because we were running together, that they had the advantage". Kara giggled and nodded. She said "ok, fine, and you're right, it's just for fun, and it will be, because you're involved, you make anything fun". Barry smiled and said "you're so cheesy". Kara giggled and said "well I know you love it when say cheesy things". Barry chuckled and said "we both do Kara". Kara nodded and said "we can leave little Dawn with Nora". Barry smiled and said "yeah, she loves little Dawn almost as much as we do". Kara smiled and said "well she is kind of her grandma". Barry nodded and said "I know She isn't my mother but it's nice, Dawn won't get to know her grandparents from Flashpoint but She will get to know her grandparents, if you get what I mean, I know it's a bad explanation". Kara smiled and said "Bar, I do get it, Nora and Jay are your parents doppelgangers so it's close enough plus from what you've said, they are similar to your parents so it'll be as if there is no difference". Barry nodded and smiled. Kara said "now come on, we need to go stretch it something, we have a race to win". Barry chuckled and said "ok Kara, I've never seen your competitive side before". Kara smiled and said "well we should totally do game night then, and we are being on the same side". Barry smiled and said "ok, let's go then, I want to win too". Kara giggled and headed out of the time vault, gently pulling Barry along with her while he carried Dawn.

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