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Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Venus had been helping Peter in Transfiguration for a little longer than two weeks now. Every once in a while she would help him with another subject, but Mcgonagall's class was where he struggled the most. After their first few sessions together, Peter began to warm up to her, no longer stuttering over every word, or feeling embarrassed because he didn't know the answer to something.

She was lovely to be around, and never made him feel stupid or worthless. She took time out of her day to help him, when she could be doing literally anything else. He was thankful for that.

More often than not, the pair would veer off the subject of school, and instead talk about pranks he and his friends have pulled, or what Venus and her family had done that summer. They had become friends, real friends.

Despite what he sometimes believed, Venus liked hanging with Peter. He was nice, and friendly. He didn't feel the need to impress her by being something he's not. She even found herself laughing at a few jokes he pushed out. He wanted to push his face in a wall when he accidently slipped a really terrible joke out, but her melodious laughter eased his worries, and found himself laughing with the girl.

Of course, most of their time together was spent in the library, but they always had a small conversation when they passed each other in the halls, leading to the Marauders poking fun at their mousey best friend.

"Since when did you and Legna become such good friends?" Sirius questioned the boy, when he saw Peter wave a quick hello to the girl across the hall.

"We study together all the time, you know that." Peter replied, fixing his hair from when Sirius decided to mess with it earlier.

"Does our little Pete have a crush on a particular Hufflepuff girl?" James mocked.

"Not anymore. I mean I had a crush on her at first, but to be fair, I had a crush on any girl that wanted to talk to me. Venus is different though, shes a nice friend and I don't see her being anything else." Peter answered truthfully. Venus was more of a sister to him, and he knew she had no romantic feelings for him. They made great friends, but knew they'd be uncomfortable as a couple.

"Good, we can't have you stealing Remus' girl, now can we Rem?" James teased the boy, elbowing him slightly in the ribs.

"I told you lot, I don't like her. We're not even friends, we just know each other." He said, wishing they would drop the subject. To be honest, he did think Venus was attractive, but he would never tell the boys that.

The four boys walked into the charms classroom, where Gryffindor shared a class with Hufflepuffs.

"Good morning, class." Came the voice of Professor Flitwick. He was struggling to climb up onto the stack of books he had set up in order to reach the podium. Venus, of course, gave him a hand up. Flitwick, now embarrassed, gave her a small thank you before she went back to her usual seat next to Thea.

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