fluttery feelings

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Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

The girls dragged Peter into the dress shop shortly after stealing him from his other friends. He seemed uncomfortable being in a shop filled with so many women, but Thea and Rosie took no mind as they started a pile of dresses to try on.

"Venus, I picked out a yellow dress for you to try on." Thea pointed to the soft yellow dress on the top of the pile. It was very pretty, Venus had to admit, but it wasn't what she wanted.

"Actually, I already know what I'm going to wear." She told Thea, who was currently putting a dress back on its hook.

"When did you go shopping for a dress?" Rosie asked. Peter had found a seat on one of the sofas, commenting on their outfits as they stepped out of the dressing room.

"I'm not going to wear a dress. It's a halloween ball, and I want to go in costume." Originally, the Halloween ball was meant to be a spooky event where everyone was in costume. Most students, mostly girls, had taken it upon themselves to use this ball to dress up, so the Halloween Ball changed from a costume party to a dance.

"You're not going to go in a dress? Why not?" Thea asked, sitting on the couch next to Peter.

Venus shrugged, tucking her hands under armpits. "I never got to go trick or treating as a kid since that was more of a muggle tradition, so I never got to dress up for anything."

"But this is your first dance. Don't you wanna feel like a princess?" Thea asked, with a dreamy look in her eyes. Rosie was now talking to Peter as the two laughed at some of the people in the shop.

"No, I wanna feel like a pirate." She answered simply, causing Thea to get a confused look on her face. "My mum is buying me a pirate costume to wear." Thea didn't bother asking her why she wanted to be a pirate, and instead took the dress out of her hands and hung it back on the rack.

Rosie had ended up picking a beautiful red dress that reached to her feet and had a silver strap across the middle. Peter said the red would anger her fellow slytherins, and that was all Rosie needed to hear.

Thea ended up going for a simple black dress that covered her chest and had thin straps across her arms. Peter, not having much knowledge on fashion, said he likes the simplicity of it. Venus made them stop by Honeydukes, a candy shop, on their way back to the Three Broomsticks because she wanted to mail some candy to her younger brother Sebastian.

"Sebastian will be joining Hogwarts next year, won't he?" Rosie asked, taking a bite of her licorice wand as the group walked towards the pub.

"Yeah, he turns eleven in the spring." Hanna will have graduated by the time Sebastian starts school, but Sebastian was excited to be able to spend his first few school years with at least two of his siblings.

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