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Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Being back in the walls of Hogwarts never failed to turn Venus into the happiest girl in Scotland, though many would argue that she always is.

Though her bed back at home was much more comfy, her dorm made her feel happy and safe. She was also happy to see Clare again. She gave Clare a new journal for Christmas the day they came back from break.

Clare played it off like it was nothing, like she did every year shen Venus bought her presents, but couldn't help but feel her heart swell at her dorm mates kindness.

Keeping with the theme of gifts, Peter was right when he said the boys would feel bad for not getting Venus a gift after she bought them all something.

Sirius had gotten a cool mirror that lets you talk to anyone who was holding the other peice. James had gotten a bag of harmless pranks and a copy of 'quidditch through the ages'. Finally, she had given Remus a new jumper along with some chocolates she had picked up from Diagon Alley. She even wrote a small note that said, 'to replace the one i stole.'

When he received it, he tried not to let the wide grin on his cheeks show, but the boy's all saw and teased him relentlessly.

Now that the new semester had started, Venus was excited about getting back into charms class. It was no secret that Professor Flitwick had a soft spot for the girl, as she exceeded in his class and always brightened the energy of the dreary class.

This morning was no different than all the others; she got up at the break of dawn, took a shower and went down into the common room to write some notes. Since first year when she stepped into the Hospital Wing for the fist time for some hygiene products, she was dissapointed at the lack of color and smiles in the room.

So, sometimes she would tear out a peice of colored paper and write stupid sayings on it to try and make people laugh. Sometimes, she would see the cards she spent a lot of time on get thrown in the garbage of the Hospital Wing, and while it hurt quite a bit, she never stopped.

If these notes made someone smile while they were in pain, she would keep doing it. After all, all she ever wants to do is take away someone's pain, even for a second.

Remus went to breakfast early, as his wolfish counter part was begging to get some food inside his body. He usually liked to walk down to breakfast with the boys, but there was no chance they would be getting up this early.

He threw on the jumper that Venus had given him for Christmas. It was actually quite cozy, and he preffered this one to the yellow one that was still in the girl's possesion.

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