dull detention

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Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Dear Venus,

I heard you ended up in detention, missy. Now, I don't really mind, but you should be glad the letter came to me instead of your mother. Merlin knows that woman would freak out if she found out. Michael and I had a bet going to see when you would get your first detention, and needless to say, you owe me three sickles.

Anyway, I wrote to tell you I got a job! I know things have been rough since your mum and I split up, but I've been taking up shifts at The Leaky Cauldron on weekends and some nights. It's not ideal but I'll be fine, besides, I gotta pay for Sebastian's school books somehow. I reckon you could come and work with me this summer if you're interested. I got my first summer job when I was fifteen, and I think it would be cool to work together, just you and me.

Well, how's school been so far? And how is Rosie and Thea? I haven't seen them in over a year. I almost miss them, but don't tell them that. It'll go straight to their heads.

Love, Your Dad.

Venus smiled at the note from her father. She knew he wouldn't care about her getting a detention, and she wasn't a bit surprised that he and Mike had a bet against her.

She decided she would try to write a letter to him later, but absolutely loved the idea of getting to spend some time with her father this summer. Since her parent's divorce, she spent most of the summer with her mum and step-dad, and missed her dad dearly.

She glanced at the clock, 5:33, she had half an hour to get to Mcgonagall's classroom to start her detention. She couldn't help but feel excited. She's never been in detention before, and she loved having new experiences.

Venus packed a few books, textbooks and novels, into her satchel and made her way down to the common room. She was a little surprised to see Thea locking lips with fellow Hufflepuff, Amos Diggory. She hadn't been the same when she came back to school this year, but if she was happy, Venus wouldn't say a word.

She arrived at the classroom ten minutes early and pulled out a book she had packed, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. It was one of Venus' favorites. It explained in detail all of the different types of magical animals and how dangerous they are. It showed how to care for them and what not to do in their presence. It had been her dream to meet Mr. Scamander, but because of his age, she doubted he'd be doing any book signing now.

She looked up when the door to Mcgonagall's classroom opened, but instead, Professor Binns floated out, welcoming the teen inside.

"Professor Mcgonagall had some business to attend to with the Headmaster," his dull voice droned on, "so I will be chaperoning your detention. Where are the others?"

"No idea, Professor. I suspect they should be here soon." Venus replied politely, taking her seat in the middle of the class.

She was only there for fifteen minutes before the boys in question came stumbling in, all bearing different excuses.

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