little love

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Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Venus walked back to the Hufflepuff common room feeling sad that she missed Charms class. It was easily her favorite class, as Professor Flitwick was always welcoming and understanding. Hopefully he would understand that she accidentally slept through his class.

She tapped the tune to get into the Hufflepuff common room, and stepped inside one the door opened. The Gryffindor common room was nice, but nothing beat the feeling of walking into the room decked in yellow and black.

Aurora greeted her as she walked into the room, as Venus let her roam the common room and dorms as she pleased. As much as Venus tried to ignore the worry bulding up in her chest, she couldn't help but be curious about why Remus always looked so sick. Remus was kind, smart, and one of the nicest people Venus knew, he didn't deserve that.

Since classes were over with today, Venus went straight to her dorm room to work on some homework. Thea must have still been out wandering the castle, as it was only Venus and Clare in the room.

Clare nodded politely at the girl, but didn't say more than that, which Venus expected. As much as she wanted a close friendship with the girl, Venus had long since learned that Clare wasn't the type to branch out and make new friends. The most Venus could do was be kind to her, and hope that one day Clare opened up to her.

She felt around her bookbag for her book, but when she didn't feel the familiar cover, she dumped her bag on her bed and shuffled through the items. Sighing, she realized she must of left it in the boy's dorm, and there was no way she was walking all the way up there for her book.

She shoveled all of her belongings back in her bag and threw it on the floor and decided to just take a nap, she needed the break.

"I'm in love!" Thea exclaimed as she slammed the dorm room door behind her. effectively scaring Venus from her slumber for the second time that day.

"Good for you, can you be in love more quietly?" Clare asked the loud blonde. Thea rolled her eyes. but moved over to Venus's bed so she wouldn't disturb the girl any further.

Venus rubbed her eyes, trying to get prepared before her friend told her a long and tiring story about what happened. "So you know how I like this guy?"

Venus scoffed lightly, remembering how Thea had exclaimed she had a crush a few months ago. Thea continued, "Well I was minding my business and he just walked up to me. Out of nowhere! And get this, he just asked me about my day! Can you believe it?"

Venus furrowed her eyebrow as Thea told the story. "He just asked you about your day and now you're in love?"

"Well when you put it like that it sounds depressing." Thea pouted.

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