half chapter

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this is an unofficial chapter to celebrate 10k!!!!  you guys have been amazing wtf, just two chapters ago i was freaking out over 4k and now youve gone above and beyond.

this is just going to be a short fluff chapter to thank you for 10k. i truly cannot express the happiness each and everyone one of you have filled me with every single day.

have a nice day! xoxo

Chapter  13.5

She wrapped her hands around the warm mug in her hand to try and capture it's warmth. Rosie and Thea sat across from her, throwing popcorn into each other's mouths to see who could catch the most peices. They all made this trip down to the kitchens occasionally so they could goof around and eat everything without a care in the world.

Unfortunately, they were not the only people that found out about the ticklish pear that leads to the kitchens. Their comfortable aura was broken by the loud group of boys they had gotten so close to.

"You owe me five sickles, Black." Rosie called as soon as she saw the raven haired boy walk through the portrait hole.

"You know what, let's go to the library." He said quickly, trying to make a hasty exit, but James pulled him back. He grumbled and dug into his pocket to fetch the coins for Rosie.

"Hello, ladies. Be sad no longer, the King has arrived." James laughed as he jumped over the table to take a seat across from Venus. The girl looked over to Remus, and tapped the seat next to her, a silent way of asking him to sit next to her.

He obliged with a wide smile and slud into the seat next to her. "Can Binky get you all anything?" The adorable house elf asked the group of friends. Venus didn't like to pick favorites, as all the house elves were sweet and helpful, but Binky was something else. It was hard to explain, but Venus and the girls always enjoyed her company.

"I want ice cream." Peter said to the elf.

"It's bloody freezing, Pete, how can you possibly want ice cream?" Remus pointed out to his friend. who just shrugged. Nobody questioned the boys strange choice, as everyone else asked for warm drinks.

It was hard to keep a conversation between all seven of the friends. so they mainly broke up into pairs. "What's your favorite color?" Venus took a sip of her hot chocolate, trying to start a conversation with the scratched boy sitting next to her.

"Why?" He laughed with a confused look on his face.

"I've got to learn at some point, why not now?" She smiled. He loved her smile.

"Erm.. I've never thought about it. Please don't laugh, but pink." He always liked waking up after the full moon, and looking up to see the pinkish sky following the rising sun. It symbolizes another full moon that he has passed and survived. "My turn. What's your favorite class?"

She didn't even have to think for a second before she answered, "Care of Magical Creatures. I'm not quite sure want i want to be when i grow up, but i love working with animals. When's your birthday?"

"March 10th."

"I didn't realize it was that close! If you want, I can make Thea's mum to make you some more fudge for your birthday." The kind girl offered, making the dopey smile on Remus's face to grow. Her cheeks tinted slightly, but not enough for either to notice.

They continued to chat about random things, and the group was beginning to get tired as the night wore on. Sirius had his head on James lap, and his feet on Rosie's, shile Rosie was leaning against Thea.

"You guys ready for bed?" Remus laughed at his ridiculous friends. Venus yawned, and leaned her head against his shoulder, his other one against the wall. He looked down at the sleepy Hufflepuff and smiled. He wanted so badly to put his arm around her, but he didn't want her to think he was weird or anything. So he continued to sit as still as possible while the girl and all her friends drifted off to sleep.

It wasn't long before the heaviness in his eyes pulled him into a dreamless sleep. His rested against the table in front of him, and the girl he fancied was leaned against his right side. She subconsciously leaned a little further, trying to get comfy in her sleep.

Thea, who was the only one still awake as she usually had problems sleeping, asked Binky to brink her a camera. She snapped a quick photo of Remus and her friend, and then took a few of her other friends.

She took a glance around the table, wondering how she was so lucky to be able to make such amazing friends. She took off her jumper and used it as a pillow, trying her best to fall asleep. Her light snores filled the room, mingling with everyone else's as the night went on, all just laying together in a comfortable friendship.

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