Chapter 04. The Benefactor

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It was slow, everything slowed down; It seems like the time stopped on going, like people are stuck on what they're doing. That's what I am feeling right now. I feel like my like is going slow and boring every single day. 

I held my knees up to my chest and rested my chins upon them as I stared blankly the empty room around me. I finally get up and seated in front of my vanity table and stared at my reflection in the  mirror. 

I'm looking at a girl with so much pain, pressure, hurt and loneliness; But I know this girl, just look into her eyes and you will see how much hope and strength she is holding on to. She have an anchor which is keeping her down to herself; Her family. She gave so much to the people she loves but everything seemed to be never enough; Love and passion that she never received back. Everything was an illusion. 


A light bell brought me back from my trance as I get up carefully and took in a grasp my dagger. I slowly went out of my room and went to the corridor. I felt someone clicking a door and I quickly turned the lights on and ran into the intruder. ''Aria!'' The intruder yelled as I looked at him carefully. ''Uncle Chris!You scared the crap out of me!'' I yelled as i took down the dagger. ''I'm sorry if I didn't notified you about my return. Or better, I didn't specified when i would come back on the message I sent you.'' He exclaimed hugging me tightly making me feel safe under his arms; This reminded me of my dad. Oh how I miss him. ''SO how was France? And how is Isaac doing?'' I asked as I followed him into the kitchen and took a seat. ''Good, he is doing fine. He has been taking art classes. I guess it is helping him about all of the werewolf temper thing.'' He said seating next to me eating some leftover lasagna that I made. ''Shouldn't you have school today?'' Uncle Chris asked busy eating his food. ''Oh crap right!'' I exclaimed running to my room as i changed myself into random clothes such as ripped black jeans, band t-shirt and some biker boots. I left my hair wavy and messy as it is and probably Lydia is going to scold me about this. I took my black leather jacket with my bag. ''I gotta go Uncle Chris! Bye oh and don't worry about the food. I went shopping yesterday so- Welcome home'' I shouted from the entrance of the penthouse.


Once I got out of my car  noticed a familiar face among the crowds of hormonal teenagers. It was Liam, which is walking like a lost puppy and clearly sweating. I approached to help him and he looked at me with an anger look in his eyes. ''Hey Liam.. Are you okay?'' I asked him ''That's what I asked him first but clearly he is not.'' A dark skinned guy next Liam said. ''I'll.. I'll talk to you alright? I'll get to class'' He breathes out as he get away from us but I followed him into the function. ''Liam wait up!'' I walked fast to keep on his pace. ''Liam, hey!'' I saw Stiles running in front of us ''We need to talk!'' I heard Scott form behind us and I looked at them in confusion. ''You need to get the hell back off okay? Both of you!'' Liam half shouted at the boys ''Could you just listen to us for just one second? Please.'' Scott finally said pleadingly and Liam nodded. I looked at Stiles for him to explain me what was going on but he pointed out on Scott. I looked at Scott and said: '' Liam... We're brothers now'' ''What?'' Me and Liam said in unison ''Oh god that's...'' Stiles looked down in awkwardness. ''What are you talking about? We just met and you bit me!'' Liam exclaimed in rage as I looked at Scott in shock. ''You what?! McCall!'' I yelled at Scott. Oh my God so Liam is a newbie werewolf. Scott ignored me and kept on acting his lines :'' The bite.. The bite is a gift'' ''Scott Stop.. please stop. You, we tried to help you, little rant'' Stiles interfered ''By kidnapping me?'' Liam asked ''You kidnapped him? Why am I knowing about this now?'' I said in frustration and suddenly felt sorry for Liam. ''Sorry Aria, but just to clarify Scott kidnapped you okay? I.. was just an abettor.'' Stiles defended himself giving the fault on Scott. ''Liam.. I have gone through this before. Something is happening to you.  Something big. '' Scott explained as he looked at me and Liam's eyes. ''Nothing is happening to me.'' Liam said as he took off his bandage from his right arm. ''Nothing!'' He said finally leaving the three of us in shock. '' I faced on the two jerk-ass and folded my arms. ''Good job nuts. Care to explain me what happened?'' I sighed as the boys looked at me. ''Well.. Hum let's say a Cannibal teenager called wendigo tried to kill Liam, so Scott helped him by biting him and now I think our little Alpha here made a new Beta.'' Stiles explained in a one big breathe. ''Wow.. have fun dealing with that tonight at full moon'' I rolled my eyes ''Call the others we are gonna have some kind of meeting.'' Scott ordered and Stiles took out his phone quickly and text-ed the group. 

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