Chapter 6

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Song for this chapter is What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction and EX by Kiana Lede.


I blink, and blink again to make sure my eyes are working correctly. I open the envelope immediately to see if it's actually real, and it is! The police found the person responsible for the car accident that indirectly killed Emma. The day that the accident happened the person almost immediately drove away as soon as they hit us. I didn't think it was even possible. I thought the impact would've killed him or hurt him badly, but when they told us that he got away I was broken. The man who killed my sister got away. I wanted to find the person responsible but I also didn't. If I know who this person is I would want them dead, and I know I shouldn't wish death to anyone but when you kill a seventeen year old I think you deserve hell of a lot more than death, but I'd prefer for them to die.

Before I read the note I decide that I should probably call my parents, I grab my phone from my left back pocket of my jeans and unlock my phone with my face. My hands are shaking but I manage to slide up on the screen. Once it's unlocked I press the phone app and I press my moms contact, then I press call. As it dials I take a deep breath, I'm lucky I made it this far without crying but know that as soon as I open my mouth, my tears will start pouring out. "Hello," my mom says as she answers the phone, "are you okay? What's up Em?"

I take another deep breath, "Mom, the police found the person. We got the letter, but I couldn't bring myself to open it, at least not alone. And I wanted to let you know. So, do we want to know who caused the accident?"

Now we were both crying, "No sweetie. Me and your father talked, we don't want to know. The police will put them in jail and keep them away from us, so there is no point in us knowing. If we have that information then we will wish horrible things to that person, and i don't want to have to wish horrible things on anybody, so please throw the letter away. I love you and we should be home by tomorrow night."

"Okay,I love you too." I say as I hang up. I will listen to my mom, I won't open the letter but I'm not going to throw it away either. I can't just throw this away like it doesn't matter to me, because that's not the case. I want to respect my mother's wishes as much as possible but I can't fully listen to her wishes. I pick up the note and take it to my room, I shove the note in the back of my jeans drawer. My mom isn't like most moms, she doesn't do my laundry or clean my room, honestly she doesn't even come in my room. She won't find the note, at least not in here.

This whole thing is reminding me of the note Emma left that I still need to find. I don't know where she could've put it. There are very few places that we went to or hung out at. I just wish she could've put the note somewhere that I could've found it by now, but maybe that's the point, maybe she didn't want the search to be easy. Then I hear my phone ringing which leads me out of my thoughts. Mack's name pops up on my screen as well as her contact photo, she looks happy in the photo, that was the day that me, Emma, and her went to Disney World together. "Hello?" I answer.

"Hey, Em, do you want to go to the mall? Homecoming is in three weeks and I don't want to grab a dress late this year, so I was hoping we could go today." She explains to me.

It's a school day but we both have late curfews, and my parents aren't home so I tell her that I would like to go to the mall, we agree to meet at the coffee shop first, then we can head over to the mall together. I change from my jeans and hoodie and put on a pair of shorts and a simple crop top. I throw my shoes on and grab my purse and head to the car. I put the keys in and the car starts. I turn on my music and blast What Makes You Beautiful. Before I can drive I text Xander and Dan to meet us. We always do our shopping together. Xander and Dan are our 'dates'. Because what's better than going to homecoming with all of your best friends.

The Goodbye NoteOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora