Chapter 24

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Song I recommend for this chapter Oh, Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison.


As soon as Xander sees us he turns his head to pretend he didn't just see us, or maybe he doesn't know who Mack is with her new hair. Well that's not it because he definitely saw me. "So you break up with my best friend and you think we can't talk anymore?" I yell because I'm on shore and he's in water up to his chest.

He squints, "Em?"

"Yeah." I gave him a duh kind of look. We haven't been surfing together in a while but not that long.

"You look different. You look skinny and your hair has gotten long." He says as he walks toward me and Mack, "Wow, Mack, you look, you look different." She nods and walks past us into the water. Dan comes from the parking lot.

"I thought you said it was just the two of us." Dan calls out. "Hey Em." He says once he reaches us.

"I didn't invite them, they just showed up." Xander tells him.

I give Dan evil eye, "What, you don't want to see us anymore?"

He shakes his head, "No that's not it, just surprised to see you two here. So, how are you and Dean?" This surprises me. I thought he was still mad but I guess he got over it.

"Good, thank you for asking." I say to Dan and then I run into the water where Mack is at. The surf is weak today, but I can't control that, so you just have to enjoy the day as it is. The one thing I love about living near the beach is because the beach cures anything. From breakups, to stress, and even to being bored. The ocean is truly the best place in the world. And this ocean is beautiful. It's always so clear. The only time it has ever been murky is when hurricanes hit. And that is the only downside of the beach, hurricanes. But there's always a downside to the most beautiful things, just like there is an upside to everything. Nothing can truly be perfect. Just like people. And just like life.

"These waves suck, how am I supposed to surf with these waves?" Mack says under her breath. Xander and Dan both come out to where we are at. "Great, you know me and Em came here so I could stop thinking about your stupid ass and you find a way to bother me. You're like a bug. Or a leech. Get a life Alexander! Stop following us and stop acting like everything is okay because it's not." She screams, this is good. This is everything that she needed to get out. Xander looks shocked. "Yeah, you broke my heart. I told you I loved you and then you fuckin' left me. Who does that? Alexander Loughty you better not ignore me. I may not be Emma but I'll beat your ass." She's crying, but keeps going and no one stops her. "You left me. I love you and you left me. And now you're acting like nothing happened." Her head is on her board and she's just letting all her tears out.

Xander looks down, "I broke up with you because I was scared. I'm falling for you Mackenzie. The last girl I loved died. And she died because I didn't drive her. I lost the one person I loved with my whole heart. I didn't want to lose you. I'm scared Mack. I'm scared because I don't want anything to happen to you. So I tried to end it before I truly loved you. But I love you Mackenzie Dankworth. I love you so much. And I know you may never forgive-" Mack cuts him off by jumping in his arms and making out with him. Me and Dan both look at each other and walk to shore.

"Are you and Dean that cute?" Dan asks me as we get to the shallow part.

I laugh, "I wish."

"Em, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got mad because you accepted his offer. It was wrong of me. You deserve someone as awesome as Dean, and plus I got my eyes on a different guy. Who is, by the way, way hotter." I know if I should be happy because he apologized or mad that he just called my boyfriend hot.

I give him a hug, "Thank you." This means all of us are good. And that's good. "Who's this hotter guy, looks like I need to take him next." I laugh so hard and Dan looks at me like I just stole his car. "Joking!"

"Not funny Emily," he says as he starts tickling me, I start running but I'm just not fast enough. I drop the sand because I can't stop laughing.

I hit his hands, "Stop-that-tickles." I say through laughs. He doesn't stop, instead he goes to my more sensitive spots; my neck and stomach.

When he finally stops my cheeks hurt from smiling. I messed up his hair, "Aw, Dan I love you and missed hanging with you."

He smiles wide and picks up to throw me over his shoulder and he starts to run all over the beach. Xander comes and grabs me from Dan. I thought he was saving me until he throws me over his shoulder. I pound on his back. I love these guys but they are a pain in my behind. Xander runs into the water and throws me like I'm as light as a football. I come up from the water. "Not cool guys." I say through my laughter. Mack comes up from the water and spits water in my face. I should be disgusted but this is too funny. I crack up and she joins. Then Xander and Dan join. They did say that I have the most infectious laugh. We sit in the water laughing for what feels like forever. Once the sun is down we make our way to the parking lot. We all quickly change into dry clothes and agree to all meat at the diner. Mack drives with Xander, Dan drives in his car, and I drive in mine.

The diner is one of our all time favorite places, after the beach. We used to come here together after school in seventh grade. I pull into a spot and look for my friends cars but as usual I got here first. I go inside and get us a booth in the back, our booth. I wait five minutes until Dan gets here. He smiles and sits next to me. Back in seventh grade Mack, Emma, and I would sit on one side, while Dan and Xander sat on the other, that's when they were scrawny enough to sit together. But now, they are both too muscular to fit on one side. Mack and Xander get here a few minutes after Dan. Xander loves making detours. It's actually kind of annoying so we never let him drive.

"Sorry we took so long Xander stopped for a candy bar at the gas station," Mack tells us as she slides into the booth. We all laugh. Typical Xander.

"Yeah we figured you guys made a pit stop," Dan tells them both. And if Emma were here she would say that that's why she loves him so much because he's unique, no one else would stop for a candy bar before dinner. But she's not here so instead.

"Yeah, that's why he's so perfect." Mack says. She sounds just like Emma. She stole her line. I don't know why but this bothers me. It bothers me a lot. I excuse myself to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall.

There are too many memories of Emma here. The time she worked here and slammed the cashier on her fingers, they were bruised for a week. I made fun of her that whole week. Or the time Xander asked Emma out on a first date infront of our parents. Oh my mom. There are too many memories of both of them. Memories. All I have left of them. I wish I had more, but I don't. I walk out of the stall and see myself in the mirror. I look so different. I never had this forever existing sad look before the accident. I was always happy. I had no reason not to be. But now I have lost my world times two. My heart is missing a piece. I sneak out of the bathroom, since it's in the front of the diner I leave unnoticed. It's painful to be there with my friends. It's painful to be there without Emma. Too painful.

Once I get home I shower then go to bed. I know I'll wake up hungry, but I don't care. I want to sleep my sad thoughts away. All of them. But phone buzzes before I can drift off, the caller I.D. reads Dean.

"Hello?" I say as I pick up.

"Hey Em, I just, I need to tell you the truth about something."

I yawn, "Can it wait until the morning?"

"No, I mean yes, anything for you."

"Okay goodnight Dean, sleep good."

"Night, Emily, sweet dreams."

And that's what I had, the sweetest dreams.


So, what do you think Dean has to tell her? Just wait what he says will make you guys rethink a lot of things.

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