Chapter 12

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The song that I recommend for this chapter is no tears left to cry by Ariana Grande.


Ever since the party, my life has been very boring, I have no friends to hang out with and no company. Ever since the diner, I have no friends to hang out with and no company. I lost all my friends.

Today is Thursday and this week I have had a daily routine: wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed, go to school, come home, shower, eat dinner, sleep, and repeat.. But today I have to break my amazing routine, hence the sarcasm. I have cheer practice today, I know that I'm fighting with Mackenzie and she's kind of the reason that I joined the team, but Emma would be on the team, and that's the only reason that I need in order to show up for the practice.

I walk across the football field to find myself in the girls locker room. Some girls are changing while others are on their phones. I just have to change quickly and in a spot where Mackenzie won't be able to find me or see me. If she sees me she might want to talk, and I just don't have anything to say to her. I take my cheer uniform out and quickly slip into it. It's blue and gold, our school colors. I tie my plain white sneakers and head out to the field.

The short girl, who is the coach, walks in front of us with a firm expression on her face, "You guys may be wondering why I asked you to come in the real uniform, instead of your usual practice clothes." We all shake our heads, no we really didn't care. "It's because tomorrow is our first game, so I wanted a dress rehearsal," she tells us with a small smile. She starts the cheer and we continue it. We do our formations perfectly, the only thing we have a problem with was when we throw girls in the air, well every group did fine except mine. I am a flyer because I am one of the tiniest girls, when my group throws me up they all back away as I came crashing down. They knew they wouldn't be able to catch me, so instead they ran, so only one person would get hurt, and that person was me.

I wince, "Coach, my ankle," I say as I try to stand up, and fail. She runs over to me and puts pressure which makes me wince again. It's the same ankle I broke in the accident. It's not broken, I can tell, but I defiantly sprained it.

"Hannah! Go get the nurse," she yells and Hannah doesn't move, "Hannah, go get the nurse or you're off the team. You know what, Emily do you think you could go to the nurse with the help of some girls?" I nod to her, "Okay good, Mackenzie, help her and take her to the nurse." I become red. Mackenzie? Out of all twenty-five of us she chooses Mackenzie to take me, wow, just my luck.

She walks up to me and puts her arm around my body and helps me up. As much as I hate her helping me, I won't be able to make it to the nurse's on my own. We make our way to the nurse's office and knock on the door. Nurse Rodriguez comes to the door and gasps. "Oh come here sweetie," she says as she helps me up on the bed. "Geez, Emily, your ankle is huge. How did this happen?"

"We were doing a certain stunt and the girls backed away after they threw me up," I tell her as she puts an ice pack around my ankle. "It doesn't hurt that much anymore, only when I walk or try to move it."

She looks at it, she tells me to wiggle my toes, she feels around the whole foot. "Well nothing is broken, which is good. I think you just sprained it, try to stay off of it for at least a week." She tells me as she helps me up. She quickly wrapped the foot and dismisses me. I don't go back to practice, I don't want to be asked if I am okay by a bunch of girls that honestly don't care if I'm actually okay. I end up at the coffee shop because I could really use an energy booster, also known as iced coffee.

I walk, well more like hobble in. I go to the counter, and no one is there. "Hello?" I ask.

Dean comes out from the back, "Oh hey Emily. Wait, you're a cheerleader? Man I did not see that coming," he says with his usual big smile.

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