Chapter 1

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Ra's stood on a balcony overlooking the compound, Damian next to him. Thalia and Marinette were near them.

"Here is your legacy, Damian, here is your inheritance: the League of Assassins." As Ra's spoke Damian took a step forward and looked over what would one day be his.

"Yes, grandfather."

"They will be yours to command, to make sure the earth abides by natural contentment without the abuse of man." Thalia was approached by her brother and he spoke,

"It is good to see our dear father so devoted to his grandson." The mother responded softly,

"Yes, brother, it is." The siblings looked forward but when Thalia heard a pained groan she turned to her right and saw that her brother had been shot, he now lay on the floor. Not moving. Everyone else turned to see the old man on the ground a large stain of blood forming on his back. The family saw where the shot had come from before Ra's shouted:

"We have been breached! They are already inside! Take the children." Thalia did as she was told and jumped down to the first floor, both Damian and Marinette with her. She ordered them to stay hidden behind a post as she went to handle the intruders.

Helicopters neared, people dropping down form ropes. People fighting for their lives and their causes.

Thalia immediately shot down a helicopter before taking care of some of the foot soldiers. The woman got her hands on a gun and shot at more men and another helicopter before making her way to one of the defense turrets, mowing down as many of her enemies as she could.

Ra's was somewhere in the compound, Damian and Marinette stayed put but when one of the intruders saw them they attacked, working together to take down as many men as possible. Marinette transformed and saw Master Fu making his way across the compound incapacitating as many lackeys as possible as he worked his way towards them, miracle box in hand.

One of the helicopters fired a missile into the main building, Damian immediately ran to find his grandfather. Marinette covered him as he ran, meeting up with Fu and kept the intruders away- driving them back before going to help Damian. Thalia ran next to her, Master Fu not far behind.

Marinette saw Damian run to the Lazarus pit and followed.

Damian just stood there, everyone froze with him- Ra's was lying, burnt to a crisp, just a few inches from the pool. Damian tried to drag him into the glowing green water, Thalia told him that it wouldn't work. Ra's was already gone.

"I've failed." Damian had never felt such loss, Marinette let a single tear drop for the fallen hero before wiping it away.

"We can't think about that, we need to get moving. Now. Damian." Thalia dragged Damian and he dragged Marinette up the stairs and out of the room,

"Where are we going?" Damian asked.

"Gotham city, it's time to meet your father."

Thalia was speaking to Damian's father as Marinette said her goodbye's. Damian's mother reminded them that their separation would only be temporary, the young children were given satellite phones so they could stay in contact. Marinette was being sent to Paris to continue her training with deep-cover leaguers, Master Fu was already there.

"You call me everyday, Albi, and if you need anything I'll help you."

"I know, I love you." Marinette hugged Damian tight before stepping back.

"I love you more." Damian rolled his eyes, he heard his cue to enter the room.

When the curtain was opened, Damian walked towards it, dragging Marinette with him. She tried to break out of his grip, but couldn't. Damian didn't know why they couldn't stay together, but he wished they could. As Damian came into view so did Marinette.

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