Chapter 12

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Ladybug smiled when she saw the peacock miraculous, it was finally over. Luckily neither of the kwami's were active, Nooroo and Duuusu were likely in the Miracle box since their miraculous weren't in use.

"Congratulations, Ladybug, Paris is now super-villain free!" Nightwing congratulated with a respectful pat to the Parisian's back. Police officers cheered.

Ladybug and the Bat-family were applauded as they were walked out of the police station, before walking out of the building Ladybug turned and spoke to the officers.

"Thank you for you help, I couldn't have kept Paris safe without you. I trust you and the justice system to take care of Gabrielle Agreste and his assistant!" Cheers echoed through the halls at that, Marinette walked out of the police station and was instantly mobbed by the press and the mayor. No one could believe that it was finally over.

"Alright, let's give Paris' hero some room! Thank you so much, Ladybug! Paris is forever in your debt!" Ladybug ignored the mayor and directly addressed the crowd.

"Good evening, Paris, I am elated and proud to announce to you that both Hawkmoth and Mayura have been captured! They will be held accountable for their crimes against Paris and her citizens." Many cheered, Ladybug motioned for them to quiet.

"I'd like to take this moment to personally thank the Batman and his team for their assistance, especially Robin and Red Robin who helped to locate Hawkmoth's lair!" Marinette was amused when the cheers were directed towards her betrothed and his brother. Robin gave her a discreet look, he was not amused.

"The Prefecture of Police of Paris will issue a statement soon, but to reassure my fellow Parisians, Hawkmoth and Mayura are no more- the miraculous of the peacock and butterfly have been successfully recovered." Everyone cheered again, it was really over.

"Thank you for your patience and support, I couldn't have done it without you, Paris! Bug out!" Ladybug yo-yo-ed away, the bat-family close behind her, she hated addressing the press like that- it always felt awkward to her.

Ladybug, Robin, and Batman boarded the Bat-plane. Someone had to take it home.

Damian pulled Marinette closer, allowing her to lean on him fully as she slept. It was a long flight in a cramped Bat-plane but he was just happy to have Marinette in his arms again, now he could make sure she was safe. While she slept, Damian registered her for Gotham Academy with his father's approval. They'd have to get uniforms for her but that could be easily arranged. She should be able to attend with him the day after the next, on Monday.

Damian chuckled quietly, the look on the harlot's face when they see Marinette would be priceless, he almost started laughing at the thought of their reaction.

Marinette woke up as the Bat-plane began it's descent, rubbing her eyes groggily.

"Where are we?"

"A base near Gotham." Was Batman's short response.

Marinette nodded with a yawn.

"Smart." They exited the plane and made their way back to the Bat-cave in the Bat-mobile. Alfred sent the vehicle to meet them, Bruce immediately sat in the drivers seat. Damian and Marinette situated themselves in the back seat, the vehicle made it's way towards the entrance to the Bat-cave.

Dick and the majority of his family waited impatiently, wanting to officially meet Marinette, or in the boy's case- see her again.

Damian rolled his eyes but internally he smirked, payback time.

Batman exited the car first, Damian walked out next holding his hand out for the dark silhouette, Selina could hardly contain her curiosity, the boys had raved about her for days calling her a more interesting, nicer version of Damian. Selina knew that was just to annoy her youngest kitten but she wanted to meet the girl for herself.

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