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Marinette smiled to herself, daydreaming about the last year. The dull classroom surrounding her began to fade as she thought back to some of it's highlights...

Marinette high-fived Barbra after she pulled the cookies out of the oven, this would teach the boys not to touch her things.

"Boys! Cookies are ready!" Everyone barreled into the kitchen, Marinette held Damian back. Alfred, Bruce, and Selina followed suit, the family was in the middle of a massive prank war and Marinette hadn't struck since Jason read Damian's love letters to her over the comms during patrol. She handed Damian a heart shaped cookie- it was the only way to tell the difference. Jason teased them with his mouth full.

"Gross, you two are so mushy. Remember that letter he sent about how much he loved her, and all those sappy promises- OH GOD WHY!" Jason immediately spit his mouth full of cookie into the trash, his other brothers following suit as their eyes watered. Dick scrambled for the sink but cried out when it only made the burning worse. Marinette watched, enjoying her victory before taunting them further.

"Oh boys~" Marinette got their attention as she placed a bottle on the counter, the label read: 'Chocolate Habanero Extract'. She leaned against the fridge as they processed what was happening.

"I was worried that the chocolate chips might not be enough, knowing you all have a big sweet tooth, so I added another kind." Tim begged at her feet, Jason tried the water forgetting about Dick's experience, and the original Robin was whining about how he couldn't feel anything except his tongue burning off.

"Promise not to read our letters again?" Jason hesitated, they were so tease worthy.

"I have stronger hot sauces, and I know where you sleep." They readily agreed, Marinette stopped leaning on the fridge and handed them glasses of milk. Jason chugged the milk and swished his mouth before swallowing. He panted as he whipped his eyes, he pointed a finger at Marinette as her spoke.

"You're worse than Demon Spawn, freaking crazy-woman!"

"All hail the Suitress, master of men, conqueror of the Demon." Dick bowed, Tim and Jason followed. Marinette looked confused at the nickname but when he looked to Damian for clarification he just dipped his head mockingly. No one crossed Marinette and got away with it.

She was declared winner of the prank war, but everyone began scheming for the next one.

"I don't understand why I have to go, technically I'm not a member of the Wayne family." Damian hugged Marinette from behind staring at her through the mirror, his head resting on her shoulder.

"Yet." Marinette blushed softly, he nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck. Damian planted soft kisses from her collar bone to her ear before Marinette shooed him away, needing to focus to get her makeup done properly.

Damian waited for Marinette at the bottom of the main staircase with the rest of his family, she kicked him out when she had to get into her dress.

When he heard her footsteps, Damian turned to see her, and promptly stopped breathing.

Marinette's deep blue waves cascaded down and past her shoulders with a lock on each side tied and clipped to the back of her head, simple diamond pins were placed in her hair making her look even more decadent. Her deep red sheath dress hugged her perfectly as she walked, a slit on the right leg showing her pale porcelain skin and a simple black heel. Her makeup was minimal, but her vivid red lips and small smile stood out and captured Damian's attention before her graceful, jutting collarbones came into view, her darker red shawl falling to her elbows.

The Suitress ~Daminette Betrothed AU~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat