Part 3

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Once the doctor let them into the room ziggy when over to the bed next to trues as khloe when to the chair between the beds she bent down and kissed true on the forehead

Khloe mummy's here babygirl your going to be ok now

Khloe sat down on the seat and took true small hand in her own and rubs her thumb over the little girls hand as the doctors and nurses get ziggy and everything set up as they do khloe speaks with ziggy

Khloe once this is all sorted and we find out how this happened I want you to be in ture life she needs you as much as I do

Ziggy khloe I told you before am not going anywhere I will wait for you as long as it took I told you this that night in London we had a plan I know you got scared when you found out about true I won't lie to you I always wished she was mine and not his and I hoped you would find out and come home to me with our baby girl when I saw her for the first time khlo I knew I just knew she was mine but I couldn't hurt you and tell you I needed you to find out for your self and choice what you wanted I made a promise to you that night in London I told you no matter what you was my one and that I would wait for you as long as it took no matter what and I also told you that I would never walk always from you no we have ture together so my promise is not only to you but to that little girl as well am here for you both no matter what if you only want me in your life as friend and co parent to true I can do that but if you want more you know your the love of my life and I will wait till your ready for that no matter how long it takes

As ziggy spoke with khloe some of the nurses got chocked up with how sweet she was being with all that's has been going on even though they only heard a little between what the spoke about They tried to keep busy and not listen in as they spoke

Khloe I told you that night as well ziggy I wanted to be with you as well I made a mistake staying with him I should had the test done as soon as true was born I was scared I always had a feeling she was your as well I just couldn't bring my self to get the test done am so sorry

Ziggy you don't need to be sorry khloe I knew you needed time I might not of been there for most of her little life so far I tried to keep away as much as I could but I still got to see her a few times a week and get to watch her grow now we know she mine as well I will be apart of her life more and do what ever you need me to she come first as well as you what ever either of you need or want I will do all I can for you both

Khloe right now I want to get our baby healthy and find out how this happened and then I want you to take us both home with you where I know she will always be safe I don't want anyone near her right now till we know how this happened

Ziggy you don't need to worry about that I will sort it all you just focus on true and I will find out how this all happened and you know you both welcome to my house anytime Megan will be flying in. In 2 days I called her on the way here and told her about true being mine so she want to see me and and to meet true if your ok with that of course

Khloe well she is her aunt and I know Megan never done anything to her so she will be safe and you will be there so am fine with it how did Megan take finding out

Ziggy she for some reasons was far from shocked to tell you the truth she told me she always though that true looked more like me than Tristan but I never told anyone about us so no one knew if it was true or not so they couldn't prove it

Khloe I never told anyone either but she dose look a lot like you and has your eye she won't even speak or let Tristan go near her she screams and kicks out if she goes to touch her she never called him daddy or anything she calls me mummy and she speak a little to Kendall and my other sisters but she won't speak or let him near her

Ziggy my baby know how to read people she don't like him and don't want him near her

Khloe can I ask you something ziggy

Ziggy sure anything khloe

Khloe when you was 19 we was really close and I thought you was going to finally ask me to be with you and get to spend my life with you but after you came to the house party you when inside and about 10 mins later you came out with so much anger in you I though you was going to explode after that night you started to pull away and never asked me to be with you what happened in the house ziggy

Ziggy I went in to get a drink and to use the bathroom when I finished in the bathroom and came out Tristan was stood there with his arms crossed and a massive smirk on his face he told me that I was to never ask you out or go near you again or he would hurt kylie and he showed me pics he had of her whiles she slept she was only 15 at the time and I couldn't let him hurt your sister so I made him a deal I would never ask you out and I would pull out of your life slowly so you never knew something was wrong and he would leave kylie alone and never touch her or go near her I made sure he deleted the photos he had of her I then made sure after that night that Kendall and kylie both had locks put on there bedroom doors and never told anyone it was me who put them on there and I left both of them a note telling them no matter what to always make sure they room door was looked before they went to sleep and to make sure no one was with them when it was locked neither of them knew it was me I kept A watch out and made sure over the years that he never when anywhere near either of them and the about a few months after that happened you both started dating it broke my heart and I thought I lost you for good but as long as your sisters was safe that's all I could do to protect them I would hurt my self to keep you all safe no matter the cost to me

By now khloe was crying her eyes out as ziggy holds her in her arms

Ziggy am sorry khloe I should of when straight to your mum and told her I was scared what to do that why I was so angry when I came out the house I wanted to kill him for it all

The truth will set you freeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें