Part 7

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The girls all turn and look towards ziggy and true when they hear true saying zig over and over as she giggling they all start laughing when the notice the baby drool all over ziggys face Khloe laugh brought true to turn and look at her mummy

True mummy mummy

Khloe laughs and walks over to them she grab true out of ziggys arms and passes zingy a baby wipe to clean her face with it

Ziggy thanks babe she wouldn't stop kisses

Khloe she missed you and showing you some loves you know she always does it when she see you

Ziggy I know I don't mind you know that why don't we head off and order some dinner it's getting a little late now

Khloe nods her head and says bye to everyone and they head off out to ziggys car she opens the door for khloe to put true in whiles she put true pushchair in the trunk she then opens khloe door for her before going round and getting in the car her self and setting off back to her house with khloe and true with her it doesn't take long to pull up to her house once there hands khloe her keys and tells her to go in with true and that she would grab there cases and pushchair from the car

Khloe got in the house and went into the lounge with true and sat down holding true in her arms

Khloe your safe now baby no one will ever hurt you again I promise you

She hold true close to her chest as a tear rolls down her cheek ziggy came in to see khloe crying holding true she didn't say anything she just when over and picked both khloe and true up in her arms and wraps them around them both with them in her lap as true drifts off to sleep as ziggy runs her hand up and down khloes back as she slowly stops crying

Khloe thank you ziggy

Ziggy you don't need to thank me beautiful why don't we put true up in her room to sleep and I will order us some food while you have a nice relaxing bubble bath

Khloe is her room set up I know you had everything already

Ziggy yea it set up for her and you can stay in my room or there's a room next to true it's up to you

Khloe am staying with you ziggy I want to sleep in your arm like it should of been

Ziggy ok well you grab true and I will take both your case up to the room true room just infront of my room still

Khloe kisses ziggy cheek and gets up off her lap and heads off up to true room as ziggy grabs there bag she takes them all up to her room so khloe can sort though them tomorrow and she makes her way over to true room to see khloe kiss her goodnight

Ziggy she still asleep

Khloe yes the doctor said she will sleep a lot for next few days did you bring the cases up

Ziggy yea I put them in our room so you could sort them out tomorrow what do you feel like eating for dinner

Khloe just order pizza and pasta please baby and I need to get changed can I pinch on of you shirts for the night

Ziggy you know where they are baby the bath in run for you to relax I will go order pizza and pasta do you want a glass of wine with it

Khloe thanks baby and a wine would be good thank you

Ziggy nods her head and kisses khloe in the forehead before heading down to order there food and grab a bottle of wine for them to drink with dinner she pours a glass and heads up to her room that khloes in she knocks on the bathroom door

Ziggy hey baby I have a wine for you

Khloe come in baby

Ziggy walks in just as khloe was climbing into the bubble bath she forgot how beautiful khloe body is and her hearts started to race and her not so little friend started to her hard in her boxers and khloe just so happened to notice and licks her lips and looks up at Ziggy with a lot of lust and a predator look In her eyes making ziggy gulp as she passes khloe her wine just as the gate buzzer went

Ziggy that will be the food I will go grab it

Khloe ok and once you got it come back here I want you to join me

Ziggy nods her head not trusting her voice as she kisses khloe head and heads down to answer the gate buzzer to let the pizza guy in once sorted ziggy headed back up with her glass of wine in hand and went back to the bathroom to see khloe watching the door with her wine in her hand

Khloe took you long enough stud now strip and get in here

Ziggy laughed but down as what khloe said once stripped khloe slid forward for ziggy to get in behind her and once in she lay back into ziggy who wraps her arms around khloe and holding her close as they relax

Khloe I need to know if your promise still stand from London do still want there to be an us

Ziggy khloe I have wanted you since I met you when I was 17 years old I knew it was to young then but you held my heart since then there been no one but you ever and there never will be I want us and I want you me and true to finally be a family how it should of been a year ago am here and am ready and waiting when you are for there to be an us

Khloe it broke me when you pulled away from me all those years ago but now I understand why you did it. It makes me love you even more ziggy I wanted there to be an us for so many years am ready to be with you and for us to be a proper family when you

Ziggy then to make us a proper family I want you and true to move in here with me for good I want my girls with me at all times I want to fall asleep with you in my arms and wake up to true babbling on about being awake I want all that with you khloe

Khloe how about we relax for a few days then we can sort out some movers and I can get all mine and true things from his house and we will move in with you

Ziggy best plan ever  

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