Part 10

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Ziggy was just reaching out to grab her body wash when she felt khloes arms wrap around her body she stopped and turned around bring Khloe into her arms more

Ziggy hi there beautiful what are you up too

Khloe bits her lip as she runs her nails up and down ziggy abs as she looks up into ziggys eye with so much love and passion in them

Khloe I want you to make love to me ziggy I want to feel you inside me

Ziggy looks into khloes eyes and know how much Khloe wants this so she bends her head down and bings her lips to khloes and starts to kiss her slowley turning them around and pushing Khloe up against the wall once she had her on it she mumbled jump on Khloe lips so Khloe did as she was told ziggy lifts her easy as they kept kissing until they needed air ziggy pull away from the kiss

Ziggy let's take this it to our bed princess

Khloe nodded her head and Ziggy kept Khloe in her arms and took them in to there room she lays Khloe in the bed and kisses all the way up her body until she gets to Khloe lips

Ziggy are you sure baby

Khloe more than anything make love to me ziggy

Ziggy didn't need to be told again and she started to kiss Khloe again and for the next few hours all that could be heard was khloes moans and screams as they made love to each other for the first time in over a year just as the finished and calmed down ziggy heard true waking up

Ziggy trues waking up baby I will grab her and make sure she ready do you want to go out for some lunch

Khloe yea then we can go shopping and maybe pop to mums and see everyone and let them see true so they all know she doing well

Ziggy that a good idea baby why don't you get ready and I will sort true out I will just chuck on some joggers and t shirt if you could grab me some and some socks as well baby

Khloe no problem go see to our daughter before she starts shouting at us

Ziggy shakes her head and grabs her boxers and sports bra putting them on before going to trues room who was stood in her cots her little face lights up as soon as she saw ziggy

True zig zig zig

Ziggy hi there my little princess did you have a good nap

True nodded her head and put her arms up for ziggy to pick her up witch she did she change true dipper and made sure she was dressed once done she take tire and heads into her room where Khloe was putting on her make up

Khloe there some joggers and t shirt in the bed for you baby but it's hot so I put on of your vest there too in case you wanted to up that in also got you red Jordan's to go with your vest or t shirt I got out your white joggers for you

Ziggy thanks baby and your right I should where my vest you know I always get to hot when it's like that out side

Khloe I know baby that why I put it there I also got got to ask when did you have my name tattooed on you hip

Ziggy I had it done the day after I got back from my fight I always knew your the one for me Khloe and I wanted to have you close even if it was just you name on me it just reminds me of you when I look at it or run my finger over it helps keep me calm

Khloe it's sweet baby have you got any more new ones except that one

Ziggy no but now I know about true and she mine as well am going to have her name over my shoulder blades with angel wings either side of it should cover to half of my back

Khloe that would look amazing baby we also need to talk about true and how we explain to her that your not only Ziggy but also her mama

Ziggy I think we should just let her do it on her own if you and the girls keep saying mama to her when talking about me she will pick it up I don't want to confuse her at a young age but kids pick up things quick so she won't take long to work it out am ok with waiting she been though a lot right now so as long as she happy I can wait as long as it takes am not going anywhere

Khloe that's a good idea baby we will do that she is quick at picking things up so she won't take long I know now am finished are you ready to go

Ziggy I just need to grab my wallet and keys off the table on your way out should we take the Range Rover for more room this time

Khloe yea can you grab true I will grab her bag and push chair also give me a kiss

Ziggy laughs but give Khloe a kiss who runs her finger over ziggy lip once done to take away the lipstick left there she giggles and they make there way out of there room grabbing the stuff they need before jumping in the car and heading out for some lunch the decide to leave the shopping until tomorrow and just head over to kris house after they finished there lunch as they walk into kris Kim and Kendall both look over to Khloe and bust out laughing they know Khloe got some as she has hickeys on her neck

Kim so I see your plan worked

Khloe what are you talking about Kim

Kim when we left you said you was off to ziggy well you can see it work you have hickeys all over your neck

Khloe blushes and grabs Ziggy hoodie out of her hand and puts it on to keep her neck covered Kim and Kendall laugh there heads of as Ziggy has a smirk on her face

Kim you would be cocky Ziggy but she also told us how big you are hope you didn't break my sister

Ziggys smirk only got bigger as she looked at Kim

Ziggy I wouldn't break her and she can handle all of me she know just what to do

Kim and Kendall stopped laughing and looked at ziggy and Khloe with her jaws dropped open

Khloe close you mouths girls I already told you she know just how to please me the right way now let's go see the others so they can see true

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