Part 6

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Kendall and kris get into kris car and sets off back to her house with Kendall to speak to everyone before khloe and ziggy get there they know not to say anything about true and ziggy just yet until khloe and ziggy get there as they left ziggy put a sleeping true into the car seat she always keeps in her car for true and then opens the door for khloe before getting into the car her self and staring it up

Ziggy that hoddie you wanted princess in just in back seat next to true

Khloe thank you baby

Khloe reaches back and grabs the hoddie and puts it in before putting her seat belt on as ziggy starts up the car and heads toward kris house

Ziggy how are you holding up beautiful

Khloe am ok right now am angry he done this he knew I was getting ready to leave him so he done this to our baby to try and stop me leavening he was trying to get me to go home with him before the cops showed up mum and Kendall stood infront of me and wouldn't let him near me

Ziggy well am here now and am not going anywhere both you and true will be safe I promise you that he won't be able to get near either of you ever again

Ziggy grabs khloes hand and brings it up and kisses the back of her hand before placing it back into khloes lap but khloe didn't let go as kept ahold of ziggy hand for the rest of the drive back to her mums house once they pull up ziggy gets out and opens the door for khloe and then she gets a sleeping true out into her arms and follows khloe into kris house once in side khloe shows ziggy to her old room to lay true down in her cot and turn in the baby camera to keep a eye on her before making there way back down stairs and into the living room where all adults was sitting waiting for them

Kim ziggy what are you doing here

Kris Kim I told you all not to ask questions you will know once we explained everything to you all now sit there and no one talk got it

All girls said yes mum and kris turns to khloe and ziggy

Kris ok well ziggy why don't you start from the beginning where this all started

So that what ziggy did she told them all about what Tristan done with the photos and how she put locks on Kendall and kylie door and left note for them how she walked away from khloe she told them everything until the night in London she turns to khloe and get her to explain how thing happened in London and how true is ziggy daughter by the time they are finished the girls was all shocked and kylie jumps out of her seat and runs right into ziggys arm crying her eyes out saying thank you over and over

Ziggy kylie it's ok your safe you always was I kept an eye on both you and Kendall over the years to make sure you was safe so no one could hurt either of you

Kim so you walked away from being happy and getting to be with khloe to protect our sister and then you both ended up sleeping together and creating true together

Ziggy yes Kim and I would do it all again to keep you all safe you all khloe family and sisters if one of you got hurt it would break her heart and I couldn't let that happen

Kim wow just wow thank you ziggy

Ziggy no need to thank me I would do anything for khloe

Khloe will you stay here while I go and pack somethings for me and true and then we can head off the doctors said true needs to sleep as much as she can and only drink water until tomorrow

Ziggys that's fine you go sort out what you need and then shout me and I will take them to the bag to the car for you

Khloe ok I won't be to long

Ziggy nods her head as khloe give her a kiss on the cheek and heads up to her old room where she keeps clothes for her self and true in there as ziggy sits with kris and the girls

Kourtney so how have you been holding up it's been a few weeks since we saw you last

Ziggy am good Megan is flying in. In two days to come meet true and i been in gym training a lot I have a match coming up in a few weeks so need to train and get ready for that

Kim is it a fight for your belt or just a normal one

Ziggy it's for my belt it's this woman from Sweden she been trying to beat me since I started never once won and now she wanted to go for my belt if I win I keep my belt and earn a great pay day

Kim am sure you will win and how big of a pay day am not really sure what MMA fighters make

Ziggy it depends really on who you fight with me if she wins she will get $25million but if I win because am already champion I get $35million because of my sponsors as well I will clean up and take about $40million if I win

Kim wow that's a lot do you make that every fight you have

Ziggy no I don't make less than $25million a fight but sometime it can be more or less it depends on who you fight really

Kim cool so how come khloe is going home with you

Ziggy she asked for her and true to come stay with me where she feels safe And I love her to bits and will do what ever she wants me to

Kim just look after them both I will stop by throw the week with the kids to come see true when she feeling up to it

Ziggy I will take care of both of them you don't need to worry about that

Just as Kim was about to speak khloe shouts for ziggy who make her way up to her and grabs the two cases of clothes khloe has packed and take them out to her can and put one in the back seat and the other in to trunk and made sure there was room for true pushchair as well and heads back into the house

Ziggy khloe I put one in back seat and other in trunk I left some space for true push chair is there anything else you need

Khloe no her pushchair is by the front door so we can grab it on our way out could you go up and grab true for us please and then we can set off and order some dinner

Ziggy Ned her head and heads up to grab true who just so happens to be awake and standing in her cot as ziggy walks into the room

Ziggy hi the princess what you doing awake let's get you down to mummy yea

True zig zig zig 

Ziggy laughs and pick true up and places her on her hip and head back down to khloe and to others as true keeps saying zig and kissing ziggy cheeks with open mouth kisses leavening slober al over her cheeks as she laughs at what true is doing she walks into the living room with baby drool all over her cheeks and a giggling true in her arms

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