Part 5

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Khloe spins around from where she was standing infront of her mum and Kendall who had both stood up and both moved just infront of khloe to protect her

Khloe she will to you apart if I let her you need to leave we know what you did to my baby how could you she a child

Tristan yes well she ain't my child is she so why should I care what happens to her

Khloe she a baby your sick I also know what you did to ziggy when she was 19 and how you took photos of my little sister while she slept yes she told me everything you need to leave now I don't want you here or near me and my daughter

As khloe was speaking the police came round the corner behind Tristan who has not seen them yet and keep running his mouth off to khloe

Tristan I don't care what you want that kid ain't mine and she don't let me near her so I got rid of the problem now your coming home with me

Khloe see that where your dead wrong true is fine you see you forgot one little thing you ain't her dad so your blood wasent needed it needed to be the parent who's blood match true and you see that wasent me it was ziggy and as you know she will do anything for me and true even walk away from me to protect my sister from you so as soon as I called her she came right here and gave true the blood she needed to save her so your poison my daughter for nothing well apart from you going to jail for it

Tristan that brat still alive and you called that freak here as well I don't think so that brat can stay with the freak and you will come home with me now and I don't see me going to jail at all they can't prove I poisoned that brat

Detective Tristan Thompson your under arrest for attempted murder and  indangering a child

The detectives grabbed Tristan and  put cuffs on him and turned to khloe

Detective since we just heard everything that he just said and that the video camera caught it all we don't need to speak to you right now you can go back to your daughter and we will take him down to the station and charge him

Khloe thank you detective

Detective it not a problem good luck miss

They took Tristan away and headed to security to grab the tapes from the hall way they was in as khloe turns to her mum and Kendall

Khloe should we go see true now the doctor said once the police had been that he would check and see is she could go home we are going to stay with ziggy for a bit

Kris let go see what the doctor say then we can head back to the house and let everyone know what has happened and help you and true get some clothes how dose that sound

Khloe sure mum lets go

They all head off to the room true and ziggy was in when the got into the room the come in to see ziggy laid with true alseep in her chest snuggled right into her

Khloe hey so Tristan showed up but he didn't see the cops behind him and admitted what he had done to true and also how he done with kylie and the photos they arrested him for attempted murder and took him away once the doctor give the all clear we can go mum wants us to go back to the house to let everyone know and so me and true can get some clothes to come with you

Ziggy that's fine beautiful he's luck I didn't hear or see him before the cops got to him why don't you grab the doctor and have him check on little lady here and we can get going

Khloe nodded her head and went to grab the doctor as she was gone kris spoke to ziggy

Kris I want to thank you for protecting my daughters and for putting them over your self you should of come to me and I would sorted it but I will never be able to thank you enough for doing that for them

Ziggy there khloe sisters and mean the world to her if anything happened to any of them it would break her heart and I couldn't let that happen but from now in khloe and true come first I need to protect them both if I had stood up to him true would be here now

Kris you tried to do you best at the time you was only young ziggy and I know you worked hard to where you are now I know now you have the strength you didn't back them just keep them both safe from now on ok

Ziggy alway kris that all I ever want is for them to be safe I should of got her to do the test as soon as true was born so we knew

Kris I have a feeling that both true and khloe knew at some point since true would never and I mean never even from the day she was born let Tristan touch her and khloe she only need to look into true eyes to know she is your as well so she must of been scared of what Tristan would do if he found out and look what happen when he did he tried to kill a baby

Ziggy well he won't be getting near either of them again once he's locked up for good

Kris good just keep them safe please

Ziggy nodded her head and true snuggled more into her chest as she slept khloe came back in the room with the doctor and he ran some more test and everything came back all clear and he got the discharge parter all sorted out and khloe sign them and headed out of the hospital true still asleep in ziggys arms snuggled right into her as they head out to the cars khloe and true are going to ride with ziggy and meet Kendall and kris back at kris house

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