Part 9

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Khloe opens the door to find Kim and Kendall both standing there

Khloe hey guy come on in

Kim and Kendall both go in and give Khloe a hug before following her into the kitchen where she starts to make them each a coffee

Khloe so what are you guy up too

Kim nothing we wanted to come and check on you and true and make sure your both ok mum told us about the police calling and we wanted to make sure you are true was ok

Khloe we ate good she asleep in her room right now ziggy fed her breakfast and she ate the whole bowl before helping me put our clothes away

Kendall speaking of Ziggy how did this all happen with her we didn't think you was both talking because you never talked about her anymore

Khloe when she started to pull away we didn't spend as much time together we still spoke on the phone all the time and I stoped talking about her because of Tristan it made him angry when he heard her name I didn't want him to know I was still talking to her I would come see her once a week with true and when mum said about the shoot in London I didn't fight her on it because I knew ziggy had her fight there and she always had a box for family so I could go and see her fight and not worrie about him finding out after her fight we went to a after party we danced and drank as well as talked she walked me back to my room and went back to hers it was me I rang down and asked for her room number and because they had seen us go in together and I told them she forgot her phone and wallet so they gave me her room number when I knocked she answered in just her boxers and sports bra with her whole body infront of me I lost all word I wanted to say and just shoved her into the room slamming her into the door and it got really heated fast a good few hour later we layed talking and I told her how I felt about her and she told me I was the love of her life and that no matter how long it took she promises me she would wait for me to come to her it didn't matter if it was 10 mins or 10 years she told me she would wait for me

Kim wow so that night you slept with her and you was going to leave Tristan for her but why did you end up staying then

Khloe after that night in London I had to stay another week to finish off some shots they wanted to do over a couple of locations she had to go back then next day after her fight for some interviews and I was going to meet up with her once I got back when I got back I fell ill I thought I had caught something when I London so I sent a week in bed I had text her and told her about me being ill she was ok with it but after a week I still didn't feel right so I went to the doctors and that's when I found out I was just over two weeks pregnant I went right her to ziggy when I found out I broke down in her arms and she just held me all night before I could speak when I told her I was pregnant I saw it hurt her and that she thought she lost me for good she told me no matter my choice she would wait for me and that I could take all the time in the world and she would be there

Kim Khloe why didn't you get a DNA test once true was born

Khloe because I was scared because for Tristan he wasn't happy when I found out about true and he got more controlling I just kept it to my self but I don't know how he found out about me and ziggy only the both of us knew and neither of us told anyone at all

Kendall he may of worked it out that for one true looks like ziggy she has ziggys eye and true wouldn't let him near or touch her ever she never spoke to him or wanted to be near him but just seeing ziggy last night true is attached to her a lot more than she ever was with him

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