Part 4

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The doctors worked around khloe and ziggy to make sure true got all the blood she needed once done the doctor pulled all needles out of both ziggy and true once sorted the nurses all left and all that was in the room was khloe ziggy true and the doctor who turned to khloe and ziggy

Doctor ok the transfusion has worked and all the poison is out of her system and her blood is all clean with her being so young and it being poison the police had to be notified and are on there way to talk to you both we ran some test and we found that the poison was put into trues milk that she had drank it would of started working right away witch mean she would of drank the milk at least a hour before she had the seizure

Khloe sat there in shock she now know Tristan tried to kill her baby and by the looks of it ziggy know as well she try's to get up off the bed she's on khloe shoot out her seat and moved right in front of ziggy

Khloe ziggy please we need you I know your angry and I know you want to kill him but please for me and true let the police handle it please

With khloe hand on her chest and her words ziggy snapped out of her anger and looked down at khloe

Ziggy I don't care anymore khloe once you and true are out of here your coming home with me and staying with me he's getting nowhere near either of you ever again that's a promise

Khloe thank you and we don't want to go anywhere with out you ziggy and am so sorry I put our daughter in danger of him

Ziggy this is not your fault at all if he had just stayed away and never threaten your little sister we would been happy don't blame you self he the one to blame for all of this and he will pay one way or another

Khloe he will pay now lay back down am going to get my mum and Kendall and bring them in to see true please watch her and keep calm for me and true please

Ziggy anything for you beautiful

Khloe kisses ziggy on the cheek and follows the doctor out the room leaving ziggy and true alone with ziggy can't keep her eye off of her little girl she can't believe she helped create such a beautiful little girl

Khloe turn to the doctor just after the door closes

Khloe can you please have security around my sister called Tristan on the way here and he told her he would be here soon I don't want him to come near true he was the one who made her bottles today he was so adamant to make them saying he wanted to help take some stress away from me I really didn't think anything of it as he done it before but true was always fine

Doctor we will call security as well has having the police have a few more men with them I will call the police my self and make sure to keep you both safe but with the way she is in there he won't get near either of you I know who she is she world champion MMA fighter she could really kill him couldn't she

Khloe the truth the only thing stopping her from killing him is me and true I asked her not to because we need her and she would never do anything I don't want her to even if he hurt our child she will let the police handle it for me and true

Doctor well I don't know either of you but from what I saw and heard in there she love you and will do anything for either of you if you love her don't wait to long to be with her lift is to short to waist time on what ifs now go let you mum and sister know true is all healthy and safe I will bring the police by when they get here and once that's done we can check on true and see if she can go home

Khloe thank you doctor for everything

Khloe walks over to her mum and Kendall who had saw khloe talking to the doctor so the waited

Kris how is she

Khloe she good the transfusion work and they did some test and found out how she was poisoned mum Tristan did it he put it into her bottle when he made them it took everything to keep ziggy from going to kill him because of what happened to true the police have been call and are on there way the doctor is calling for more to come incase Tristan shows up here I came to get you both so you could come and see true

Kendall I told you mum that son of a bitch am going to kill him for doing this to my neice

Khloe no Kendall we are going to let the police handle it and send him to jail it not the only thing he's done Kendall you remember when someone put a lock or your room door and left you a note telling you to make sure it was lock at all times when you was asleep and to make sure no one was in your room before locking it

Kendall yea I just thought dad did it to both my and kylie room because we was getting older

Khloe no ziggy put the lock on both your rooms and left the note the night of the house party where ziggy went into the house and came out really angry well Tristan has some photos and used them to blackmail ziggy into a deal where she would never ask me out and would slowly pull away from me so I wouldn't know

Kris khloe what photos did he have

Khloe ziggy told me he had photos of kylie asleep she was 15 at the time so ziggy took the deal and made sure all photos was deleted and then put the locks on both the girls door she also kept a watch on both kylie and Kendall over the years to keep the safe from him

Kris I knew she never would of walked away from you without a reason I saw how she looked at you and treated you we all was shocked when she never asked you to go out and then you got with him so we never though anything of it how did you ended up sleeping with her in London khloe

Khloe you had sent me there for modelling and she was in London for her championship fight at the time it was all over the place and I had the night off I couldn't no go and watch her win one of the most important fight of her life after the fight we all went to a after party and we kept drinking and dancing we had been flirting all night and at the end of the party she took me back to my hotel witch happened to be the same one she was staying in she walked me back to my room before going back to hers I went into my room but I couldn't get her out of my mind I called down to the front desk and got her room number off of them telling them she left her phone and wallet in my room and because they knew and saw us walk in they gave me her room number I went up to her room and knocked on her door she open it just in her sports bra and boxer showing off all her sexy body to me I lost what I was going to say and just pushed her into the room and things got really heated after that once we had done we layed for hours talking we had agreed to be together and I was going to leave Tristan and then I found out I was pregnant with true i really thought she was his at first but once she was born and how she has always been with him and the fact that she looked like ziggy I knew she could be his but it was to late he was controlling and possessive and I tried to leave a few time but he would never let me

Kris god khloe why didn't you come to me I would of helped you

Khloe because I was scared mum but not anymore ziggy will kill him if she gets her hand on him for what he has done

...... she ain't going to do shit to me

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