Chapter 15 - The Truth

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My trip to Los Angeles to see Nick was a bust. We spent the next day out by his new pool, then went out to dinner, came home and went to sleep. It was almost as if we were brother and sister, as odd as that sounds. He was so physically and emotionally distant that I wasn't sure what to do. I tried to make love to him the night before I left but he said he wasn't in the mood.

When has Nick Carter ever not been in the mood?

On my way back to Atlanta, I knew something was up. I didn't know what, but I knew it was. I texted AJ to see if Nick was cheating on me, which if he was, AJ would probably tell me because he's blunt like that. AJ said he hadn't talked to Nick in a few weeks.

That's when I knew something was definitely going on.

After heading back to Atlanta and Nashville to work on my record, I got word that Nick was seen hanging out at a mall with Paris Hilton, the socialite and heiress of the Hilton hotel chain or better known for her sex tape with Shannen Doherty's ex-husband. I knew there was a blonde in his movie and that Paris was trying to break into acting so I wasn't sure if she was in the movie or not. That's what I kept telling myself.

Nick wouldn't cheat on me again. He promised me I could cut off his dick if he did and he knew better. If he was cheating, I would certainly cut it off... and he knew it.


Nick sat outside of a café in Beverly Hills, staring at his cell phone. He knew that it was past noon on the East Coast and that Harley was probably already in the studio. He thought she was in Atlanta, but wasn't sure. He hadn't talked to her in two days and he knew soon that she would be calling him because of the last text message he got from her.

Saw pix of u & paris hilton is she in that movie with u? when did you become friends?

She had sent the text the night before and he had stared at his phone ever since. He didn't know what to say to her. How was he going to tell Harley that he had met Paris at a club and he actually liked her? They had went to the movies together and went shopping. Paris was totally different than Harley. They were like black and white, hot and cold.

And one thing he knew, Paris made him very hot.

She was the first girl that Nick was actually interested in since he first met Harley and he didn't know what to do. He hadn't slept with Paris yet, but it wasn't like she hadn't tried. Her reputation didn't lie. She was crazy and fun and Nick needed that. He needed a change before he was being dragged down the isle in a wedding he didn't want.

But he loved Harley and probably would always love her. He just wasn't sure if he was in love with her anymore. The chemistry just didn't seem to be there. He knew Harley tried and she tried hard but he wasn't into it.

And he needed to let her know that.

He flipped open his phone and sighed, dialing Harley's number. This was the call he was dreading to make and he didn't want to have to make it. He never thought he was going to be the one to do it.

"Hey," he heard Harley say as he leaned back in his chair. "It's what, only nine or ten out there, right?"

"Yep, I have an earlier call time today," he said, running his hand over his face. "Are you alone? Can we talk?"

"Yeah, I'm just sitting in my bed writing," she said. "What's up?"

"It's.... it's about us, Harley. I just..."


"I think we need to break up," he spat out, hearing silence on the line. "Maybe see other people," he added.

"Is this about Paris Hilton?" Harley asked. He thought he heard her sniffing. She was already crying. "That's why you didn't respond to that text, isn't it? Because you always respond to text right away."

"I like her..."

"Have you fucked her?"


"You better not be lying because I'll cut your dick off..."

"I'm not lying," he said, starting to get upset himself. Maybe a café wasn't the best place to call his girlfriend and break up. "I promised you I would never cheat on you again and I'm breaking up with you so that I won't break that promise, Harley. I like her. She's different. She likes the same stuff that I do like going out and dancing and listening to DJ's play. She's... she's much better suited for me."

"Much better suited?" Harley asked.

"It's over, Harley," Nick whispered. "We need to move on. Paris is right about you, I think. You are too needy."

"Too needy? She doesn't even know me," Harley said she started to laugh, while crying at the same time. "Nick, how can you tell me this stuff?"

"She knows a lot of stuff about a lot of people, Harley."

"Well I hope you know that you're going to have to have enough bleach and disinfectant and antibiotics because you'll need all of that after you're done with her or she's done with you like all the other guys," he heard Harley say. He heard a click and new she had hung up.

That was not how he wanted to end things with Harley Harper.

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