Chapter 7

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Days were passing by fast. Drisana was still waiting for Krishna. Though the idea of returning didn't appeal her much anymore. Kunti reminded her too much of her own mother. But she was nowhere near as obedient as pandavs. The woman literally lived for her sons and irony was she abandoned her first child.

Today they came to the temple as mata Kunti was performing some puja for late king Pandu and his second wife Madri. After that they were going to donate clothes and gold coins and later a feast would follow.

Drisana had decided just before she went back to kaliyug, she was going to strangle purochans wife. That woman even tried to follow her into the snangrah (washroom) once. It wasn't like someone would punish her for the murder of a woman who existed 5157 years before.

After completing the puja, donation and bhoj, they returned to the palace. Yudhisthir was looking tensed.

"What happened jyesth? You're looking worried."asked Arjun.

"I was thinking about kakashree Vidurs message. What could it possibly mean?
'Fire cannot extinguish the soul but can annihilate the material body. But one who protects the soul lives.'
He sent this message in Mleccha language which is only known by Sahdev among us. It is a clear indication, he only wanted us to know and didn't take the risk of it getting into wrong hands. " Yudhisthir said.

"When was the message sent? " Asked Nakul.

"Just before we left for the temple. I intended to tell you after returning." Yudhisthir replied.

"This must mean something important but what? " asked Sahdev.

"Duryodhan must have planned something against us again." Bheem said.

They were all thinking about the message.

On the other side, being annoyed with purochans wife Drisana went to her room and was thinking about when Krishna was coming back to take her and what she was doing here. She had bonded so well with this family like she knew them forever. She could get along with people just fine, but this was the first time that she formed any kind of bond with someone apart from her parents. The thought of living them actually pained her. But she had to leave. She didn't belong here.

Nakuls face came in front of her eyes. He had been patient with her, looked after her. Even though he couldn't understand her language, he'd understood her more than anyone apart from the time when she was asking for phone. She chuckled remembering that time. He was looking so cute with a confused and helpless look not knowing what to do. And those times when she refused to drink that gross mixer that he forced her to drink. She caught up that it was for her injuries. But she still couldn't stomach it. She had run at the opposite direction at the sight of it at his hands. She'd tried to hide and everytime he would find her somehow and make sure she drank it. Like he had nothing better to do. Who wouldn't want such a sweet and caring man? Combined with his amazing sword skills, that was quite a tempting package. If it was back home, she'd definitely date a man like him. But it wasn't and she was supposed to leave and he was going to marry Draupadi. That thought soured her more than anything.

She was brought back from her thoughts with loud sounds. She rushed out of her room to the dining area where all the pandavs had gathered to check the matter. Kunti was frozen in place as purochans wife held her hands at her back and one of Purochans men was holding an axe at her throat.

All of them were shocked.

"How dare you to touch our mata?" Bheem asked seething in anger.

"You've called upon your death." Nakul said equally as angry.

Purochan and his men had sneaked into the palace to kill the pandavs and set it on fire. Initially he was waiting for the right time to set the palace on fire. However, last night he received Duryodhans order to immediately finish them and dissappear from here along with his men and family forever. So he asked his wife to bring Kunti making some excuse. As soon as she came with his wife, they took her hostage. Purochan wasn't an idiot. He knew even one of the pandavs was enough to beat him and his men. But with their mother at his mercy, they wouldn't lift a single finger. Meanwhile he would slit their throats open and set the palace in fire leaving Kunti and Drisana inside with their bodies.

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