Chapter 10

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The Pandavs, Kunti and Drisana was walking through the villages and towns of Matsya for several days. Attired in barks and animal skins, the Pandavs had the appearance of ascetics, while Kunti and Drisana wore simple clothing. Sometimes the Pandavs found some work and in exchange took food items or gold coins, or collected fruits from tress to eat. They were passing through the small town of Matsya named Alwar. The Pandavs left Kunti and Drisana with Bheem near a well to find some work.

Yudhisthir, Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev were roaming around the town when they saw a bull was running through the roads. While running the big bull passed a cart that was fully loaded and getting pushed the cart was going to fall at its side where a small boy was standing.

Reacting immediately, Nakul got the boy out of the falling carts path.

"Are you okay, boy?" He asked the boy.

A woman came running to them and hugged the boy tightly, checking the boy repeatedly for injuries. She then looked at the four Pandavs and said,
"Many many thanks to you. For saving my son."

"It's okay. Be careful next time." Nakul said.

"Who are you? I've never seen you here before." The woman asked.

"We're Brahmans. We've come here recently. We're in search of work."replied Arjun. Yudhisthir chose to remain silent most times thus days as he could not lie.

"I'm greatful to you all. If you don't mind, I'd like to invite you to my house for meal. Please don't refuse." The woman said.

"But we're not alone. We've our Mata, sister and one more brother with us." Arjun said after looking at his brothers.

"No problem. I'll be happy if you come with your whole family to my house." said the woman with a smile.

After getting a nod from Yudhisthir, he nodded. The woman showing the direction of her house left. The four Pandavs returned to the place where they left Kunti, Drisana and Bheem. They told them about the invitation. Bheem became happy hearing it.

"Then we'll get delicious food to eat." Bheem said.

"Bhrata Bheem, please keep a little control. Barna kahi aisa na ho ki hume vojan karwane k cakkar mei unhe viksa magna par jai. (Otherwise they'll have to beg alms to satisfy your hunger)." Sahdev said.

"Adhik mat bolo tum. Barna tumhara vojan bhi mai kha lunga. (Don't say too much. Or else I'll eat your meal also)." Bheem threatened Sahdev.

Kunti was looking towards her sons with a sad expression. What days they were facing. Those who used to eat 56 'bhog' (dishes), now barely got enough to eat. Those who used to sleep on soft mattresses, were sleeping on bare earth. Those who were known in the whole Aryavart as mighty warriors, were begging and doing small works to earn one meal. Those who could conquer countries, were running from country to country.

Drisana noticed the look at Kunti's face and asked through eyes what happened. Kunti shaked her head with a sad smile.

They went to that woman's house after sometime. The woman was the wife of a rich merchant named Ganjupal. He and his wife welcomed them and was repeatedly thanking them for saving his son. They all were seated when Ganjupal asked them their names and whereabouts.
Pandavs were in a fix thinking what to answer. They couldn't say their real names. It could create suspicion.
Drisana thought to answer.
"Name. Their names are Janardhan, Bajarang, Achyut, Narendra and.. Shambhu. And I am Drisana." Said Drisana with a forced smile. The pandavs remained silent while Yudhisthir gave her a glance which she royally ignored.

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