Chapter 26

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Nakul was numb. He felt empty from inside. She left. She was no longer there. It was just three days. For three days he left and she was gone.

After two days, Nakul returned with Pitamah and Sahdev told him everything that happened after his departure. He felt anger cursing through his veins. How dare Duryodhan insult her! He wanted to rush to him and beat him to death, but Arjun stopped him. Reasoning with him that Duryodhan had already asked for forgiveness at the Raj sabha and the slap he received from Drisana would resonate in the whole Aryavart.
And Maharaj? Had he lost his mind completely? He had just proved that he couldn't be trusted for justice any longer and when it came to his son, he lost all his senses to even think.
As for Gandhari, he only felt sadness. That woman was his Jyesth Mata. He respected her as such. It was hard for him to accept she did something like this.

At last when they told him about Drisana leaving with her brother, his breath caught in his throat. She left with her brother who had known every disrespect shown to her at the Raj sabha. He left immediately refusing to stay a moment longer than necessary and took his Hridaya with him.

He looked at the letter she had handed to Sahdev for him. He kept staring at it for a long time. Finally he folded the scroll that contained her parting words.

I hope you've safely reached back at the Palace. How was your journey? There wasn't any trouble, was there? Even if there was, I have full faith you've handled it well. Just like I have full faith you'll handle this situation also. I know it's hurting you that I had to leave. It's hurting me too. But it doesn't mean I'm gone forever, not to return again. I love you and you reside in every breath I take. How can I not return? You won't get rid of me so easily, my man. It is said that distance makes love stronger. And I know if anything, this will only bring us closer. Remember what you said? The moment I said I love you, I became yours and there's nothing powerful enough to keep me from you. Then why are you even worrying about my return? I told you I won't hesitate to do anything to be with you and you said there's no way I can escape you. Time has decided to test the truthfulness of our statements. And I have no doubt my man will emerge out victorious. I have full faith you won't let us lose.
Till then, don't you dare be reckless. Take care of yourself and everyone just like you always do. Don't let Jyesth take too much tension. Tell him to give some time to Devika jiji too. Keep helping bhrata Bheem in carrying his food. Keep teasing bhrata Arjun, he deserves it. Give Sahdev more company. After returning to Hastinapur he has been more alert and serious. He needs to let loose sometimes. I know I don't need to tell you to take care of Mata. She'd be worried about you.
And don't take my tension. I'll take care of myself for you, just like you've to do it for me.

Nakul closed his eyes taking deep breaths as he finished reading the letter. She was right. She was his and there wasn't anyone or anything that can separate her from him. He just had to be patient.

The journey to Dravida took several days. As the chariot moved, Dwijendra told her about Dravida and the royal family, her family. She was listening half heartedly as her thoughts were with Nakul and the family she left. Dwijendra was riding in his horse a little ahead of them. Krishna could understand her inner turmoil and left her to her musings mostly. She stabilised herself slowly and was ready to face her new family as they reached Dravida.

"We've arrived." Dwijendra announced smiling at her. As the chariot crossed the gate and entered into the town, Drisana took notice of her surroundings. The whole town was decorated beautifully. Everyone was looking at their group awed. It looked like all the people of the town had gathered to watch their arrival. People bowed and smiled looking at them.

As they arrived at the gate of the Palace, she saw one man in royal attire standing with guards, a full smile in his face. Drisana smiled a little too and looked at Krishna.

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