Chapter 47

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The next three months fourteen days were excruciating for Drisana as she waited for Nakul to come back and hear her. She went to the sea everyday where they usually met. She waited patiently because she knew he would come. She still didn't know what to tell him though.

Nakul wasn't faring any better. He was unable to accept Drisana did something like this. What could be the reason that made her do this? He needed to know. But would he be able to trust her after hearing what she said. He was in a tight place. Neither was he able to share it with anyone, nor was he able to hold it in.

Drisana stood on a small hillock a little far from the seashore. The rolling waves of the sea was as furious as her thoughts. She was feeling the cold breeze closing her eyes when a whisper came to her.


Drisana opened her eyes slowly but didn't turn to look at him. What to say? How to answer this question? She could have lied or made excuses, manipulating the mind with subtle tricks and words if it was someone else. But she couldn't do it with Nakul. She couldn't betray him and play with his trust.

"Because if I refused to help him, he would have found another way to force me and also held animosity towards me that would effect us. But by accepting I've turned him into an ally. Now he'll do whatever I want him to." Drisana said giving him the truth.

"Do you even realise what you're saying? You've promised to give him the Pasha that he'll use to kill Guru Drona." Nakul said in agitation.

"Nakul. I only promised to give him the Pasha. I never mentioned anything about Guru Drona's death." Drisana said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Nakul asked.

"I will get the Pasha. I'll also give it to him. But when and how that'll be only decided by me. In clear words, I'll only give him the Pasha when he won't be able to use it on Guru Drona and till then I'll use him for my own benefit." Drisana turned to look at him to see what his eyes held for her. She was afraid she would see disgust and disapproval. But that wasn't going to stop her today. She had warned him, she wasn't going to follow Dharma blindly. She had her own understanding of Dharma that she followed.

Today Nakul would get an eye opening. He would get to know she was a manipulative person much similar to Gandharraj Shakuni. The only difference between the two was purpose.

Today he would know all that there was to know.

Today either he would accept her as she was or reject her.

Today for the last time, Drisana would give him the choice to walk away from her.

Nakul was shocked and didn't know how to react for a while. He knew Drisana was a complex thinker. But to use someone and deceive them like this, was it right?

"You're thinking it's right or not? Then first tell me, to distribute knowledge according to social standing and caste, is it right? What happened with Eklavya, was it Dharma? Dhristyadym who was in Guru Drona's tutelage, is desperately trying to find a way to kill his own Guru, is it right?" Nakul's eyes widened at the mention of Eklavya. That event was never uttered by Pandavs again. How Drisana knew about it? Drisana smiled looking at him.

"I know and I also knew from the first day that the Palace was made of lacquer in Varanavat. I also knew when we entered the forest that we'll meet Hidimba and Ghatotkacha. I also knew that day Arjun was going to win the swayamvar. How? Let me tell you." And then Drisana proceeded to tell him the biggest truth of hers being from Kaliyug. She also told him the events that were supposed to happen that changed because of her presence till now. Nakul wasn't able to fathom what she was uttering at that point. His mind stopped to work completely as he sat down on a stone holding his head on his hands.

"That's not possible." He whispered.

"The impossible has already happened, Nakul. Bhrata Krishna, Bhrata Balaram, my parents and brothers are also aware of my upbringing in Kaliyug and the change I brought with my presence. For my protection, they hid the truth from everyone and I was also told never to utter these words to another soul. But you're not another soul. You're my own soul." Drisana said looking at him with glistening eyes. She had bared her every secret to him. Now it was his choice to trust her or not.

"Nakul, I'm aware of certain events that's going to take place. Those events may or may not change. But the intention and actions of people won't. I can either seat idly doing nothing and watch devastation or I can try to bring change in them. I chose the later."

Nakul looked at her eyes. What she said, was unimaginable, unthinkable, incomprehensible. But then again what was the point of thinking about the events that never happened or in her words changed. What she said was disaster. If anything he should thank God, he never had to experience it.

As for her being raised in Kaliyug, when Pitamah had the boon of voluntary death even being a mortal, when Pandavs could be born by summoning Gods, when his Jyesth Mata could give birth to hundred and one child at one lifetime, when Draupadi and Dhristyadym could be born fully grown from fire of Yagya, then why couldn't she be send to Kaliyug by a Yaksini and be back after years.

Tears were slipping from Drisana's eyes freely. Nakul brushed her tears shaking his head lightly. He pulled her towards him. Kissing her forehead gently, he continued to hold her in his embrace. They sat there for hours, away from every trouble, every sorrow, every concern. There was no sound except the rolling waves of ocean hitting the seashore. Even the nature around them seemed to not disturb them.

As the sun started it's descend, it was time for them to apart. Drisana came out of his arms reluctantly and looked at him. There was no words remained in her. Nakul understood her. He touched her face gently and placed his forehead on hers.

"I trust you Drisana. I won't lie to you. I still can't comprehend all you said and honestly I don't want to. But I do trust you. For me, you're the one who saved us at Varanavat. You're the one who stayed with us when you didn't have to. You stayed even though we didn't have enough to eat or anything to sleep on except bare earth. And not once you complained. You're the one who corrected the mistake made by Mata. You're the one who stood up for us at the Raj sabha without asking or promoting. You're the one who is going against your father's wish and brothers for me. So yes. I trust you." Nakul took a deep breath closing his eyes.

"I also understand you know things that may or may not happen. I don't want to know about them. Because for the first time, I'll have to hide something so big from my brothers. It'll be a burden on me, but I'll carry it for their peace of mind. I will never ask you about it and I'll trust you to make right decisions. Just like I'm trusting you now regarding the Pasha." Nakul completed. Drisana nodded with a heart overwhelmed with love for her man.

Past over.....

(The next chapter will continue from the time when Drisana was burning the message and Nakul entered her room.)

So it was the surprise. (Combined with the previous one)

I asked if Drisana should tell Nakul about her being in Kaliyug. Nakul already knows.

It wasn't about Nakul trusting and respecting Drisana. Drisana has already earned that through love and care.

It was about Drisana trusting Nakul enough to bare her deepest and darkest secret. Respecting him enough to be honest with him.

In my opinion, when you have limitless affection for someone, trust the person to reveal your ugliest secret and respect enough to give him nothing but honesty, that's what called unrivalled love.

Just to clarify -

1. It happened three years before Indraprasht was established.

2. Nakul never revealed anything to his brothers.

3. Drisana only told him events that was supposed to happen from Varanavat to Draupadi's swayamvar.

4. Nakul doesn't know about Karna. It's not her secret to tell.

5. Nakul forbade her from telling anything further.

Any questions???

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