The Pilot

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Finally! Your first official mission with the Resistance and you were accompanying none other than Poe Dameron. You'd always looked up to him, throughout your whole training he was one of your biggest role models. The day he taught you to fly you swore you couldn't be any happier. But now? Holy crap! You were over the moon.

He looked over at you chuckling quietly as he watched you packing your ship to take off. The grin on your face was so big it looked painful. "Hey kid, you just about ready? We gotta fly."

You shot him a thumbs up as you swung yourself up and climbed into the cockpit. The guys you trained with always complained about how tight the X-Wing cockpits were but you never minded. You liked the closeness, it felt nice in comparison to how wide and empty the space you flew through looked.

It also made you feel closer to your dad, he was a Resistance pilot too. He's a big reason why you wanted to join the fight against the First Order. Your mom wasn't happy and kept you away from the front lines for as long as she could. But when stormtroopers burnt your home to the ground 5 years ago with her trapped inside it was the final straw for you.

The flight to Jakku was shorter than you expected, it felt like you landed in no time at all. You had been briefed on the objective before you left but Poe had most of the more sensitive information as he was a much higher rank. All you really knew is that you were meeting with someone to get something that could potentially tip the scales in the Rebellions direction.

The fact that General Organa thought that you could be a help at all made you so happy you had skipped all the way back to your quarters that night. People were staring but you hadn't cared besides most everyone in the Resistance knew you could be... eccentric.

You had landed at a small settlement called Tuanal. When you hopped out of your X-Wing Poe was already standing there waiting for you. You gave him an excited smile as you shrugged your pack onto your shoulders.

"Okay here's how this is gonna go" he said as he lead the way to a small hut. "I'm going to go in and get what we came for, you stay here and stand watch."

You nodded as you unholstered your blaster turning your back on the door as he ducked inside. The sun was already setting when you'd arrived and it just kept sinking on the horizon while you waited surveying your surroundings. You were basically in the middle of nowhere, all you could see was sand.

You kicked at the ground sighing as you leaned back against the wall of the hut. Obviously you were thrilled to be included in this mission but come on! You were the best trainee in your group at the base camp.

You aced hand to hand combat, reconnaissance and you were the second best pilot on base, next to Poe of course. You thought for sure you'd have to use your skills for something. You sighed again and looked towards the door of the hut, it was covered by nothing more than strips cloth but you couldn't hear what was happening inside at all.

Just then there was a thud in the distance, you squinted into the dark your eyes taking a moment to adjust. BB-8 was barreling towards you chirping an alarm. Shit! Shit! Why had you wished for more excitement?!

You ducked your head into the hut, Poe was sitting there with an older looking gentleman, they appeared to be having a fairly serious conversation. "Hate to interrupt but we've got company." You said looking right at Poe. He nodded and looked at the man across from him.

They exited the hut with you, Poe pulling out his binoculars "You have to hide." He said as he put them down.

"You have to leave." The older gentleman said. "Go."

Poe grabbed your hand and you started sprinting to the X-Wings as crafts full of stormtroopers landed and unloaded into the village. They immediately opened fire on the villagers. Chaos erupted around you in mere seconds.

You broke off with Poe as you neared your ships. "Come on BB-8, hurry." He yelled running towards his X-Wing. You caught a glimpse of him smiling reassuringly at you as he climbed into the cockpit, a mechanical arm shooting down to suck BB-8 up shortly after.

You hoisted yourself up onto the wing and were just about to climb into your cockpit when you heard shouting and then small explosions. Troopers were firing at Poe, his ship was useless. You leaned back away from the cockpit pulling your blaster from it's holster as you fired on the approaching troopers.

"Poe!" you cried he was handing something to the droid crouched next to his ship. Suddenly BB-8 took off headed away from the village. He stood up and looked at you. "Go y/n! Get out of here." He yelled waving you away.

"I'm not leaving you!" you screamed over the sound of blaster fire. You ducked barely missing a shot from a group of troopers who were too close for comfort. Poe sprinted towards a sand dune taking cover there, but closer to the battle.

The troopers were approaching fast and you had no choice but to run the opposite way. You managed to create enough distance when they stopped to blow up the X-Wings. Diving behind a dune for cover, the troopers made their way back towards the village. Most likely assuming you were dead.

You crawled to the top of the hill remaining flat so they couldn't see you, not that they were looking they seemed to be distracted with something.

Shit! The old man! He was standing in the clearing in the centre of the village, a tall man stood in front of him. He was swathed in black his cloak fluttering behind him. He wore a black mask to cover his face. Kylo Ren. You realized, this is bad, very bad. If Kylo came all the way here himself whatever we came to retrieve must've been important you thought.

The two were having an exchange of some sort, but you were too far away to hear. Suddenly out of the corner of your eye you saw movement. Poe. He was inching closer to the clearing.

You wanted to scream at him to stop but you knew if you made any noise you would both be found and probably killed. Shit! Why did you have to wish for more excitement? Damnit!

You were startled by a sudden flash of red, Kylo had activated his saber and in one motion he drew it across the old mans chest. Your hands flew to your mouth smothering a scream.

That's when you saw Poe stand and fire on Ren. It all happened so quickly, the beam from the blaster froze in mid air as Kylo's gaze turned to Poe. The troopers were on him at once hauling him in front of the monstrous man.

You held your breath as you watched them force him to his knees. You knew from the look on his face Poe was being a smart ass. This being something you normally loved about him, but at this moment it made you want to cry. Don't make it worse idiot!

You were sure you were about to watch your friend, your mentor die right in front of you. But then the troopers hauled him to his feet and dragged him towards one of the shuttles. You were about to move towards the clearing when you saw the troopers line up and start firing on the villagers.

You sank bank down the dune pressing your back to the now cold sand a muffled sob leaving your mouth as your covered your face with your hands again. You knew you couldn't do anything and this helpless feeling was maddening. You waited a long time for the silence, and then a bit longer after that just to be sure.

Slowly you peered out from behind the dune to see the smoking husk of the village. You sat back again with a sigh titling your head back to look up at the sky.

"Now what?" You said out loud to no one in particular. You had no idea where Poe sent the droid, and no idea what it was even carrying.

You had to get a message to the Resistance base.

The Alternative (Hux x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα