The Choice

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[AN Hey guys! Sorry about the huge gap between chapters I've been a busy gal the past few weeks. But I'm back! I'll be posting more regularly from now on! ^_^ As a bonus here's an extra long chapter for you. Also this is where things are going to start to divert from the original movie storylines so if you wanted something super film accurate this ain't the fic for you babes. #HappyEndingForHux]


The General followed the troopers to the hangar irritation painted on his face for all to see. His red brows were deeply furrowed and his lips pressed into a harsh line. The rebels weren't the only thing troubling him though. He stole a sideways glance at his apprentice noticing she looked nervous. His mind began to race she was nervous about facing the criminals they were on their way to meet? Or maybe she was excited, looking forward to greeting her comrades? The thought made Hux clench his jaw that vein popping out only causing him to look more annoyed.

This girl drove him mad, the mere idea that she could be hopeful about another seeing person made him want to destroy things on a level that would rival Kylo Ren's mindless tantrums. He had already crossed so many lines with she but couldn't for the life of him pin down why or how this had happened.

He was obviously attracted to her but this attachment he felt was much more than that. Hux was a man obsessed, it had always been so easy for him to cast these kinds of feelings aside in the past. But something about you made him abandon all reason, he knew this was a dangerous game.

It felt like the hundredth time he'd gone through these thoughts in his head trying to make sense of it all. He was missing something but he didn't know what, or if he was honest Hux was pushing the answer to the darkest parts of his brain not wanting it to see the light.

Hux was so lost in thought he hadn't noticed they had arrived at the hangar. He stole one last look at her from the corner of his eye before straightening his posture and passing through the doors.


The whole way to the hangar you had grown progressively more nervous the annoyed look on the General's face didn't help that at all. You wondered who they had captured could it be one of your friends? Poe? A chill ran up your spine causing you to shiver at the realization that to whoever was in there cuffed and helpless you would look like the enemy. A traitor.

The thought made you want to cry, scream and run in the other direction all at once. But you knew you couldn't. Hux had promised to shield you from these things but you'd witnessed so much harm to the Resistance already. You wanted to be angry with him but ultimately you knew it wasn't his fault. He needed you to appear loyal to the First Order and in the middle of a war that meant watching the enemies destruction.

You watched as the tall redhead strode confidently through the doors and past the rows of troopers. Walking slightly behind him you couldn't quite see who it was kneeling on the floor until you fell in line next to a few higher ranked officers in front of the prisoners.

There was the same dark skinned man who had been with the scavenger during the destruction of Starkiller base. You could see more clearly now that he was very handsome dark eyes that still held kindness despite the glare he wore on his face at the moment. His whole being exuded a softness and comfort that you rarely saw in people.

There was a girl next to him who was equally as beautiful. Dark hair framed a round face with shinning almond eyes. She on the other hand did not feel soft. You felt fire radiating off of her in waves. In another life she seemed like the exact type you'd call a friend. Spirited people were your favourites. Something about passion and strength just drew you in.

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