The Confrontation

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"Holy shit! Hold on to something!" You shouted at the ginger being tossed like a rag doll behind you. Following right behind Ren had been a bad idea, the maniac landed on some random space junk that was lodged in the middle of a raging ocean.

The waves had to be well over a couple hundred feet tall and dodging them wasn't exactly an easy feat. Luckily you were a pretty damn good pilot. You dipped, dived and spiralled the ship to avoid the torrent thrashing below you. Finally you managed to perch the TIE fighter on a cliff away from the danger of the waves.

The second you landed firmly on the ground Hux scrambled out of the fighter landing in the grass with a thud before falling to his knees and emptying the entire contents of his stomach onto the ground front of him.

"OH come on! My flying wasn't that bad." You couldn't help but laugh as you hopped out of the ship landing next to him. Gently you rubbed his back with your palm hoping to soothe him a bit.

After a few moments he leaned back and looked up at you apologetically. Wiping his mouth with his sleeve before standing up a little too straight. He might be comfortable with you but showing weakness was obviously still a struggle for him.

Slowly you scanned the horizon looking around at the strange planet, your father had spoken of forests not cliffs and oceans. Faintly you could see what could be trees in the distance. That could be them? You were wondering how far you were from them when Armitage's voice shook you from your musings.

"Incoming." You glanced over at him to see he'd gone practically rigid, nervousness flickering over his face. Following his gaze you saw Poe running towards you blaster in hand looking fully ready to fire at you any second. You started walking towards him slowly hoping he'd recognize you before he decided to shoot.

You were very aware that Poe was definitely a shoot first ask questions later kinda guy. To your relief the dark haired man came to a sudden stop when he saw you his eyes narrowed for a moment.

Then you were surprised to see a massive smile slowly creep across his mouth, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you standing on the hill above him. Unable to stop yourself spurred on by his obvious happiness at your arrival, you ran. Almost stumbling down the hill multiple times, your hands flying out and catching fistfuls of grass to steady yourself, before finally reaching him.

There was no hesitation and your arms crashed around each other in a tight embrace. You were still friends despite whatever had happened between you. Thank the gods. So finding the other to be alive when you'd had doubts about that was an occasion to celebrate.

The hug lasted a while, long enough for Hux to slowly make his way down the hill coming to stand beside you. He lingered a while staring at anything but the two of you, before awkwardly clearing his throat. The noise caused you and Poe to drift apart stilling smiling at each other.

When you finally looked at the redhead beside you there was a hint of annoyance and a lot of jealousy in his eyes and it was quickly spilling over onto the rest of his face. Gone was the mask of the First Order General. Now he was just a man, with lots of feelings towards your ex.


"We thought for sure you guys were goners how did you find us?" Poe surveyed Hux giving him a suspicious glare as he spoke.

You knew it was going to take everyone a while to get used to Armitage not being the enemy but you really hated the suspicion in your friends eyes. Instinctively you stepped closer to the ginger brushing your shoulder against him. He placed his palm firmly on the small of your back allowing you to nestle yourself into his side.

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