The Offer

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Warning - Violence, Blood, Smut, The Thought of Sexual Assault


After Ren's most recent failure the Supreme Leader finally granted Hux permission to test Starkiller. So while Kylo was off chasing daddy he moved himself and the Resistance prisoner to Starkiller base. Hux chose to test the weapon on Hosnian Prime. It was a glorious success.

Unfortunately to Hux's dismay they ended up having to engage with rebels on Takodana. Ren went down to the planets surface with orders to capture the droid. But he returned injured and with a girl, a scavenger instead. He insisted she was all he needed.

So here he was standing outside the Resistance fighters cell, he always seemed to find himself here lately. Although he very seldom went inside. Knowing she was on the other side of those doors caused a storm to brew in his head.

The desire to break her was becoming more and more overwhelming. He wanted to possess her. To watch her bend at his will. The more wild and defiant she was the more he wanted this.

He needed answers about her abilities, he needed a reason to keep her. He knew if she was a force user he could convince the Supreme Leader to take her in and if he could sway her to join the First Order he could use her to push Ren out. Hux desperately needed Ren gone.


You could feel his presence again. It seemed he came everyday, most times he just stood outside. You had no clue why or what he was doing.

But you could feel his emotions. Since the day you pushed back against Kylo Ren something had shifted in you. You could feel some kind of power but weren't really sure how to control it.

It seemed that as of right now all you could really do was reach out to just past those cell doors and feel the emotions of whoever was out there. You didn't care too much about the trooper guards feelings, most of those were boring.

But his, they were complex and twisted. There was something intoxicating about them.

You looked up as the doors slid open with a hiss and closed again with a thud. General Hux stood in front of you. Outwardly he always looked so put together but you knew the truth. Inside he was a mess. A constant torrent of a million different feelings.

Most times he came he didn't speak, you both knew you had nothing to offer in terms of Resistance information. Honestly you weren't really sure why he hadn't killed you yet. You knew he was conflicted but you didn't know why.

He felt different today, more angry than usual but there was a hint of desperation as well as something else you couldn't quite put your finger on.

He approached you quickly and quietly never looking away from your eyes. He came close, a habit he's been forming since that first day.

"I want you to try and read my mind." Hux stated in a monotone voice with the same blank expression he almost always wore on his face.

"What?" you gaped at him. "I can't do that. Are you crazy?"

His hand flew across your face. Leaving your skin red and stinging. Tears welled in your eyes. You ground your teeth and turned your head in either direction cracking your neck defiantly.

"I said read my mind, tell me my thoughts rebel scum." He smirked, he was challenging you.

"And I told you I can't carrot top, no amount of nagging or abuse will change that." You spit at the floor, it was tinged red with blood.

Hux got even closer his nose almost touching yours his leather clad hand locked around your jaw. Jerking your head forward he stared down into your eyes. It felt like he was trying to burn holes in your retinas.

Your eye closed and you imagined your hand reaching into Hux's skull. At first there was nothing but the normal mixture of feelings. Then slowly images. Flashes of thoughts. You saw Hux striking you over and over. 

Images of all the ways he wanted to torture and hurt you flowed into your mind. You cringed slightly but anger egged you on a small voice inside pushing you to look further.

You stretched out that invisible hand more pushing past the surface thoughts. What you saw shocked you.

Flashes of you bound and naked. At Hux's mercy, crying out for him to stop as his fingers violated your sex. Thrusting in and out of you over and over while you shake and squirm and scream. Images of you bent over while he pounds his cock into your aching pussy until you're nothing more that a quivering...

"Enough!" Hux's voice was loud in your ear. You shook your head, eyes focusing on the man in front of you. He was still as close as he was before, still staring down at you with those burning eyes.

You couldn't help but notice the shaking in your knees. Oh my stars! Were you actually horny about this sick pervs thoughts? Get it together you cannot fuck your captor.

Hux took a step back and surveyed you before clearing his throat. "I knew it. You're a force user."

You shook your head bewildered by his statement. "There's no way, I think I would know that by now don't you?"

Hux smirked but didn't reply for a minute. "There's no other way to describe what you just did."

You still couldn't believe what he was saying, you just gawked at him mouth open, mind racing.

"I'm going to make you an offer, join the First Order to train with the Supreme Leader. Your force skills are weak but you could be stronger. Maybe even stronger than Kylo Ren." Hux took a few steps forward again. Entering your personal space but you'd gotten so used to it that you didn't flinch or shrink away anymore.

"No I'll never join you. I'd rather die." You spat at him, Hux looked at you unflinchingly before turning to leave.

He paused in the doorway. "I'll give you a few days without food and water to reconsider." Then he was gone. Leaving you alone with your many thoughts.

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