First Date

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Axel's POV

I woke up flopped on the couch, aching all over, with the vaguest memory of dreaming about gay cowboys.

"Erik," I moaned. "Help me up."


An agonizing few seconds of peeling myself off the couch, and then I took note of my surroundings. The apartment was a total mess of popcorn and beer, and it was also Erik-less.

What a jerk. I texted him a frowny face for abandoning me and the text back was instant. Erik was always doting to the point of being stalkerish, just the way I liked him.

Sorry, be home in twenty!

Which meant he'd delved back into his addiction to Grindr and hookups for a night. I'd always figured Erik's slutty stage was just that — a stage — but as he crept further from his twenties and closer to his thirties, I realized it was a personality trait.

Not that I was judging. It just wasn't my favorite characteristic of his.

Me: cant believe brokeback mountain got you all fired up

Rikkie: it was the thought of giant horse cock

Me: WOW. Youre fuckin sick

Rikkie: lmao

After our brief, but clearly mature and intelligent, discussion of horse cock, I set off on being productive. By the time I had finished with going through the motions of my morning — brushing my teeth, making a coffee, and peeling off my clothes from yesterday to get into actual pajamas — Erik was home.

And covered in hickies.

And his clothes were filled with creases, and his hair was a bedhead mess.

And I was bothered.

"Thanks for tucking me in last night," I snapped, only to recieve a condescending little snort.

"I forgot that I'm a father of one," Erik drawled. He rested his body against the door entryway, all casual-like. "You should be able to fall asleep in your bed like an adult."

I flicked my hand to visually disregard all of his bullshit, and then I approached his slutty ass. "Who?"

"Some guy. C'mon, Axe, let's do something fun today. We both have the day off."

"Subtle dodge."

"Shut up." Erik actually had the balls and the sheer audacity to steal my coffee. And sip it. "Let's think of some—"

I snatched it from his hands. "Mine."

My aggressive stealing caused a bit of spillage. Erik's left eyebrow twitched. "When will you realize that our rug is white?"

"Who even cares? I have a maid who cleans my spills anyway."

Erik glared, but he still cleaned the coffee stain for me, like usual. And then he disappeared to get changed, or maybe it was to escape my general presence.

Except he came back in under ten minutes, so maybe not.

"Okay, I'm sorry I didn't tuck you in," Erik blurted. Then he rolled his eyes. "Okay, you're a grown adult, so I'm not that sorry, and I'm honestly shocked those words left my mouth unironically. But I'm still sorry that I didn't wake you and tell you to go to bed. I was too excited to get some action from Victor."

I collapsed on the couch and grabbed the computer. "Maybe I should embrace my gayness and have sex with Victor."

Erik shrugged and walked to our kitchen, which was right next to the living room. Our apartment was small enough for me to clearly see the judgement in his eyes. "Axel, that's stupid. You should just ... fuck it, I don't know, date?"

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