Chapter 5

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"Hey" she said, smiling

I raised my eyebrow and looked at her confusingly.

"I'm Octavia, your next door neighbor" she said to my confusion while looking me up and down.

I remember I'm dressed in a large t-shirt and underwear, definitely not appropriate to welcome the neighbour.

Thank god she doesn't recognize me. For a second I thought she will recognize me up close.

"Hey you" I said confidently remembering I'm not in school

I looked at the cookies she brought, she gave it to me, "I brought these for you guys, I saw you all moving, thought I'd introduce myself."

Yeah, I know who you are, not the first name though til now.

"Well hello, I'm Alex, your neighbour, my family's not home yet so I think you can meet them some other time" I fake smiled at her.

I'm definitely not letting her inside.

"Yeah sure, I'll come by next time" she said while looking inside house behind me.

Don't tell me she is nosy and wants me to invite her. Well, not gonna happen.

"Bye" I said.

"Yeah, bye" I closed the door

Who even has time to get all friendly with neighbours? Atleast she seems nice and definitely not a bitch like Ashley.

Agh! You know when someone's an angel but their personality's shit.

I so want to beat the shit out of her. Don't get me wrong, people don't really bother me much but she's just a freakingly- annoying-bitch who's way too gorgeous and immature.

I went back to cook something for my stomach.

How hard will it be to be neighbours with the teacher? Well as long as she doesn't recognize me, it's all good. I'll be low-key and off the radar, so it won't be a problem.

I ate the lasagna, and sat on couch. I took the controller and started playing Tomb Raider. It's a killer game.

While I was playing, my phone ringed letting me know of a message from an unknown number

"Hey Dorky, It's David"


"Let's just say I saw you in huge dorky glasses"

"Stalker much?"

"haha no, I saw you waking on street, and good thing I recognize you"

"Was it obvious?"

"Ah no, I just have good eyes"


"Hey wanna come to a party?"

I thought about it, I wanted to avoid parties and stuff but then again only to avoid interactions in school. But I can still have fun when I'm not with school's people

"sure, I'll come"

"Great, text me your address and I'll be there in 15"

He hung up and I texted him my address.

I ran upstairs and started looking through my closet.

I took out a white tank top, a black leather jacket, black jeans and white sneakers.
Black all the way.

I love black, it's simple yet classy and sophisticated.

I texted my dad and told him I'll come late at night, out with a friend. I'm pretty sure he'd be grinning cause I made a friend.

Are You Kidding Me?!! Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt