Chapter 15

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I went home after the big reveal from Ashley.

I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. This was all messed up.

I wanted to ask my parents about it but they weren't home from their business trip. Lord knows when they'll be back.

Was she really telling me the truth?

She was just as shocked as I was when we heard the news, then why she said she was happy about it?

I don't really see any motive in lying.

There's only one way to find out.

I got up from bed and took my phone from the nightstand.

I unlocked it and saw few missed calls and a text from David.

I ignored it and went to dialer to call mom.

She picked up in few rings. "Hello?"

"Hey Mom" I said

"Alex I'm busy right now, can't it wait?"

You're always busy mom.

I rolled my eyes. It was always like this.

"Just tell me one thing, Did I know Ashley before this engagement occur?" I asked hoping she'd tell me no.

I heard her sigh. "Yes, you both were childhood friends. Now I've work to do young lady."

"But mom-" she hung up.

Would she ever listen to me?

A long sigh escape my lips for the billionth time.

I sat on my bed. I guess Ashley was telling the truth. But when did she fall in 'love' with me? Same with Octavia.

I chuckled. This was totally fucked up.

I dialled David's number and he picked up almost immediately.

"Where were you?" he asked

"Hello to you too" I replied

He chuckled "You home?"

"Yeah, what's up? I saw your calls"

"Get ready, I'm coming to pick you up in 5. We are going to Brians' "

"You're back? And why are we going there" I asked suspiciously

"Don't be a baby and get ready"

He hung up before I replied.

What's up with people cutting me off on phone and hanging up?

Well there was no use in arguing inside my head.

I got up and opened my closet. I took out a white tank top, a leather jacket, black jeans and started to change.

I let my hair fall down. It was a chore changing from goofy look to my real one.

I heard my phone vibrates. It was a message from David telling me he's outside.

I wore my black boots and grabbed my wallet with phone. I ran downstairs and grabbed the key on counter.

I went outside, locked the door and saw David leaning on his car.

"Yo" He waved.

I flicked his head "Ouch! What was that for?" He exclaimed rubbing his forehead.

"For leaving me alone jerk" I said while getting inside his car.

He got inside and started the engine. "Where are your parents?" He asked

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