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After Ana had been introduced to the whole team, Hotch started explaining the problem. He told them about the letters and the feeling that someone was watching her and anything that was relevant to the case that they were now building.

"This isn't an official case yet, which is why we might need to work in it during our personal time." Aaron sighed. "If you're opposed to that then you're welcome to leave now."

He watched as his team stayed put in their seats, some of them shaking their heads slightly as if asking why he would even ask that.

"Okay." He clasped his hands together tightly. "This is what we know. Exactly twelve days ago, Anastasia Pierce received these outside her apartment." He said, pulling up pictures of the flowers and the card that came with it. "This letter exactly four days later," the letter popped up next to the flowers, "and just today, four more days later, she received this." He finished and on the screen, numerous pictures of them popped up as well as the note it was left with.

Ana stood silently next to Aaron, almost hiding behind him as he spoke to his team. He noticed this as he was laying out the information before his team and clasped his hands behind his back, uncurling his fingers slowly in her line of sight. Ana noticed and after a moments hesitation, she placed her hand in his. Aaron gripped it tightly, lacing his fingers through hers in an effort to comfort her. His thumb drew circles on her hand and she could feel herself calming down.

"We'll look into it for now, but until something more serious happens, you know we can't do anything Hotch." Rossi told him.

Aaron nodded. "I know." He felt Ana's grip tighten around his hand and he turned to face her, never letting go of her hand. "Don't worry, I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

Ana nodded, smiling gratefully at him and the turning to the team, thanking them and giving each of them hugs and Dr Reid a fist bump and then let Aaron lead her out of the room.

"I'm going to try be around as much as I can. If I'm not, I need you to listen to me carefully." Ana nodded her head, giving her whole attention to him. "Stay at the hospital as much as you can. When you go out, surround yourself by as many people as you can. Lock your doors and windows when you're home and don't open the door for anyone you don't know. We don't know who this is yet or why they're doing this."

She nodded and he pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms around her tightly. "Be safe." He mumbled, kissing her on her forehead before promptly letting her go, remembering where they were.

"Aaron?" He looked down at her, "Thank you."

He nodded, a soft smile appearing on his face, but it was gone in a flash as soon as he saw Garcia step out of the conference room. She walked towards them slowly, a look on her face that Aaron knew all too well. We have a case.

"Sir." She said softly as she approached them.

He nodded, his demeanor hardening and his brain going back into work mode. "I'll be there in a moment."

Garcia nodded and walked back into the conference room, her heels clicking softly against the hard floors.

"I'll be gone for a few days. Remember what I told you Ana." He told her.

Ana nodded, smiling nervously. "I understand. Be safe, okay?"

"I will." He left her standing there, making his way into the conference room and sitting at the round table.

Ana stood there for a few seconds, deciding that she didn't want to go home just yet. She glanced around for a second, taking in the sight of the bullpen further away from her and all the agents buzzing around in it.

dangerously  ↝  a. hotchnerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora