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"Why are you here?" Ana asked, her tone far from warm and welcoming as she lead him into her apartment, Sera following close behind.

"I wanted to see you." He said, the vulnerability in his eyes making an apparent and dramatic come back.

Ana scoffed, "Sure. Flew all the way from, where'd you run away to? Milan? Because you wanted to see me. Impossible. What do you want Peter."

"I don't know what answer you expect from me Anastasia but I miss you." He said loudly, his erratic behavior was not something that she missed. He was not something that she missed.

Ana's facial expression darkened as she looked at the man. "Get out." She said coldly.

He looked at her in shock, "What?"

"I said, get out. I had to go through so much because of you. You screwed me up and I had to work through that by myself. You don't get the right to suddenly resurface in my life five years later with the excuse that you missed me. Get out of my house Peter." Ana spat venomously.

The expression on Peter's face changed five times in under two seconds. First he was confused, then cynical, then angry, then defeated, his head tilted down to the floor as he realized he wasn't going to win this fight. Not anymore.

He bowed his head down as he turned and walked out the door that was left open in Ana's haste to see what the bastard wanted. After the door closed behind him, Ana fell on top of the couch in her living room, a frown set deeply on her lips.

Sera sat down next to her, the two of them stayed silent as Ana processed what just happened. Why couldn't her life be normal for once?

"Movie?" Sera's voice cut through the empty silence.

Ana nodded, "Yeah."

Three hours later, Ana and Sera were fast asleep while the end credits to some obscure Russian movie rolled in front of them. An empty ice cream carton threatened to roll off the couch as Sera shifted, her head lolling onto the arm of the couch. Their soft snores were rudely interrupted by a loud banging at the door.

Sera shot up and stumbled off the couch, causing the ice cream container to fall to the floor, waking Ana up in the process. Sera rushed to the door and opened it, almost falling backwards when the man she'd seen earlier at Ana's door barged in.

"Anastasia!" He barked, startling the doctor, who was still half asleep on the couch. "This is your fault." He accused.

Sera ran to stand in front of Ana when she noticed the state this Peter guy was in. His hands were shaking and his eyes were bloodshot, his hair was sticking up in every direction and he reeked of alcohol. Jeez, it was barely seven in the evening and this man was drunk.

"What the-?" Ana lifted her head up tiredly from where she had buried it in the cushion she was hugging. "Peter what the fuck."

"This." He furiously gestured at his body, more specifically his drunken state. "I quit drinking the day I proposed, and then the wedding planning started and I literally felt like drinking myself to death."

Ana stood up, moving Sera aside and inching slowly towards Peter. "Pete, you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying."

Apparently Peter had anger issues because the next thing Ana knew, he was gripping shoulders to tightly she thought he might break the skin. It only got worse when he started shaking her, telling her something about how it was her fault and it still is.

Sera almost screamed as she tried to pull Peter off Ana but he was much stronger than her. The three of them struggled for a moment before Ana managed to get her one arm loose and before Peter knew what hit him, Ana had. A loud crack sliced through the air, causing everyone to fall silent. Peter looked at Ana in shock, letting go of her and instead cupping his cheek. Ana scurried away from him and Sera stepped forward instead, almost admiring the deep red welt that had formed on Peter's face.

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