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After hours of trying to struggle out of the binds that held her hands in place. She glanced down at her wrist and sighed, there were two outcomes to this scenario if they didn't find her. The first being her wrists were going to get absolutely shredded and she was going to bleed out and die. The second being that she was going to get out and escape.

Ana hissed in pain as the material cut deeper into her wrists, just enough to break another layer of skin and cause more bleeding. She felt the tears rush to her eyes and quickly run down her cheek as the frustration she was feeling grew.

She hadn't slept in days. Or eaten anything since The Man left. Her throat was dry and patched as well. And worst of all, she felt like giving up. Her resolve was crumbling and she didn't know how much time she had until it was gone forever — not to be dramatic but she is in some strange place with no one but her kidnapper knowing it's location.

She was slowly drifting in and out of consciousness, the pain was overriding her senses and causing her brain to protect itself in the only was it knew how — to loose consciousness. She was just about gone when she heard a loud thump, her head shot up, her eyes widening and a surge of adrenaline rushed through her as she registered the patter of footsteps.

Third scenario. She gets rescued.

"Here." She croaked as loudly as she could. "I'm over here."

The door burst open and someone ran towards her, instantly putting their gun away and untying her extremely bloody hands and then her legs. His figure was fuzzy, her brain still wasn't processing what was happening.

"I'm here Ana," she heard that familiar deep voice say. "You're safe now." He was frantically cutting her out of the ropes, his only goal was to hold her and tell her she was safe.

And that's what he did. As soon as he got her loose, he put his pocket knife away and lifted her up in his arm, smiling in relief as she instantly curled towards his chest, her breaking slow and heavy as she struggled to stay awake.

"Aaron?" Ana whispered.

Aaron's hands tighten by a fraction around her as he carried her outside and to the ambulance, "Yeah Ana. It's me. It's Aaron."

She smiled up at him, her mind was still in a daze but she could always tell when it was him. He placed her on the stretcher that awaited them and hopped in the back of the ambulance, holding her hand tightly as the paramedic worked on her on their way to the hospital.

He paced in the hallway, his hair mussed and sticking out in every direction from his fingers going through it every few minutes. They were stitching up Ana and running some tests on her, so for the time being he wasn't allowed to see her.

"Hey, is she okay?" Spencer rushed towards him, the team following closely behind.

Hotch frowned, "They're not letting me see her."

At that moment, Seraphina and Connor came rushing down the corridor the team was standing at. When Sera saw the whole of Aaron's team standing outside the room Ana was in, she realized not even one of them was being allowed inside.

"I'll go check on her." She muttered and entered the room. Sure, she was technically specializing in peads, but she was still a doctor in this hospital.

When Seraphina stepped into Ana's room, she couldn't hold back the gasp that slipped through her lips. Ana was lying still on the bed, her wrists were bandages and she had bruising on her arms and legs. She was slightly malnourished, as the doctors had explained to her. But other than that, she was okay.

"We still have to do a rape kit and then she'll be kept overnight for observation." One of the doctors explained.

Sera felt her blood run cold as the doctor said that. She knew the changes a rape victim can go through; mentally and physically. She hoped to god Ana wouldn't go through that.

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