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Ana had spent the whole day at Aaron's house talking to Jack. They'd settled on the couch after lunch and watched who knows how many episodes of three different cartoons with Ana periodically asking him questions and telling him interesting things about the characters. It was safe to say that Jack was in awe of the lady who knew so much about cartoons.

At one point, Aaron had plopped himself on the couch next to Jack, who was in the middle, and tried to join in the conversation but Jack immediately shushed him as he listened to Ana talk. It was at that moment that Aaron laughed, kissed his son on the head and instead went to his study, choosing to go over cold cases instead. Jack was obviously already occupied. He didn't need his poor old dad there.

Two hours later, Aaron emerged from his office to find Jack and Ana squealing with laughter on the floor in front of the couch, a twister mat crumpled below them.

"What's happening here?" Aaron laughed and scooped his son up in his arms. Jack giggled as Aaron held him tightly, tucking his son underneath his arm as he walked towards Ana. She stood up, a wide grin seemingly stuck on her face as she brushed herself off.

"We were playing twister. And having a grand old time until you came." She replied, sticking her tongue out playfully. "Right Jack?"

Jack nodded enthusiastically from where he was tucked under his dads arm. "We were! Why don't you join us dad?"

Aaron smiled, and Ana watched as his eyes softened and he put his son down. "Okay buddy. But I play to win."

Jack ran up to Ana, already completely comfortable with her. "We'll see about that. Ana is really good!"

"Oh yeah?" Ana nodded, blushing slightly, "Prove it." He smirked. She gave him a confident smile and they started playing twister.

An hour later, Ana was twisted weirdly as she laughed, watching Aaron fall on his butt and taking Jack down with him.

"I win!" She said excitedly, untwisting herself and hugging Jack.

"That's not fair, you two ganged up on me!" Aaron defended.

Ana gave him a toothy grin as she and Jack sat innocently in front of him, "How exactly are you going to prove that, Mr FBI?"

"There are plenty of ways." He gave her a coy smile and she gasped, reaching forward to hit him lightly on the shoulder.

He laughed and stood up, pulling Ana up with him, who took Jack with her. "Jack, why don't you go get cleaned up and colour while we start dinner?"

Jack nodded enthusiastically and left for the bathroom while Ana and Aaron headed to the kitchen. They started cooking whilst Jack colored whilst he was seated at the kitchen island, the three of them talking about Aaron and his job and Ana and some of her crazy patients. Jack was telling them about school when dinner was served.

"Hey Ana?" Jack looked at Ana as he shoved a piece of chicken in his mouth right after.

"Yeah Jack?" She grinned at the little boy, leaving over to wipe a little bit of food off the side of his mouth.

He finished chewing and them proceeded with his question, "Are you going to come over more?"

Ana smiled shyly and looked at Aaron, waiting for his reaction. He nodded, a huge smile on his face and an elated feeling in his chest.

Ana turned back to Jack, "Only if you want me to." He nodded excitedly and carried on eating, not aware of the impact his inquiry had on the two adults seated at the table with him. Ana was red in the face, both honored and flushed by Jacks question. Aaron couldn't stop smiling — hell, if his team had seen him their jaws would probably be on the floor.

After dinner, the three of them cleaned up and settled on the couch, making idle chit chat as Jack flipped through channels, not deciding on one for more than two minutes before skipping to another one. By the time he'd decided on a channel, the show was ending and it was his bed time.

"Come on buddy, bed time." Aaron sighed as he took Jacks hand and led him to his room. Ana sat there in silence as she waited for Aaron to tuck Jack in and tell him goodnight.

When he came back, he grinned from the hallway as he watched Ana flip through channels much like Jack had done earlier, bored out of her mind. He walked over to the radio he had in his kitchen and switched it on, hearing the tv switch off and footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Ana poked her head inside and then walked towards him.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she leaned against the kitchen island.

He shrugged, holding out his hand for her to take. "Dance with me."

Ana stood still as she processed his question before her face broke into a smile and she nodded, placing her hand in his. He pulled her towards him, his hand holding onto hers tightly while his other one wrapped itself around her waist, nuzzling his head slightly into her hand as she placed it on his shoulder.

"You're great with Jack." He murmured as he twirled her around. She grinned as she spun back into his arms, falling effortlessly into his chest as he wrapped both his hands around her waist and her hands clasped themselves at the base of his neck.

"He's a great kid."

Aaron hummed, "His dad is pretty great too."

Ana giggled, pretending to think for a moment, "I don't know, haven't met him."

Aaron quirked an eyebrow up, "We must remedy that. Perhaps you can meet him tonight."

He felt her fingers tangle themselves in his hair, smiled contentedly as he pulled her even closer to him. "Perhaps." She said softly, her eyes never breaking their gaze as they bore into his. He leaned closer, the music being drowned out by the tension between the two of them.

Her tongue flicked out and wet her lips, causing Aaron's hands to tighten around her waist. They stopped dancing and stared at each other, listening to each other's heavy breathing as the world appeared to stop around them. Her one hand slipped down his neck and trailed up to his cheek, cupping it gently as she brought her face closer to his, pressing her lips softly against his.

It was as if she flipped a switch on in him because as soon as he felt her lips on his, he took charge. His hands gripped her waist as he kissed her roughly. She almost stumbled as he backed her into the island, feeling her back press against the top as he removed his hands from her waist and pressed them against the island instead, forcing his body to rub against hers.

His lips danced over hers, like the gentle steps of a ballerina performing her last pirouette. She felt herself become consumed by the feeling of his lips on hers, her mouth parting slightly to allow his tongue in as the kiss became wet and sloppy. At this point, the both of them just needed each other, but as soon as Aaron began to tug on her shirt, she placed her hands firmly on his biceps and gently shoved him away.

"We can't do this here." She panted, looking around the kitchen and then holding up her still bandaged wrists. "Or now."

He nodded, a grin still evident on his face as he leaned is forehead against hers, kissing her nose sweetly as he scooped her up in his arms and hushed her as she squealed. She giggled as he carried her to his room and placed her on his bed, making sure she was comfortable.

When he put her down, the arms she had wrapped around his neck didn't let go, causing her to pull him towards her when he tried to get up again. He fell on top of her with an 'oof', laughing softly as she smiled down at him and started running her fingers through his hair. He shifted them so that he was next to her and almost wrapped himself around her like a koala bear on a eucalyptus tree.

She hummed softly as she played with his hair, shivering slightly as she felt his cold fingers trial lightly down her side, leaving a trial of burning skin in its wake.

"Goodnight Ana." He murmured.

She met his eyes and pressed a kiss to his cheek, "Goodnight Aaron."

It's short. I know, I'm sorry. But I was watching The Inheritance (with Thomas Gibson!) and I got inspired and distracted, hence the dancing and the short length.

hope you enjoyed it anyway !
— J

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