Episode 7

16 0 0

___: hello?

Xxx: hello midget.

___: building Hemmings, it's you?

Luke: the same little sister, how are you?

_: good Luke and you?

Luke: well I'm calling you to tell you why the hell you didn't tell me you already had a boyfriend?

___: ahh his name is Niall Horan he is a member of the boy band One Direction.

Luke: will you introduce him to me one day?

___: of course, Luke.

Luke: I have to hang up, I have to sign autographs.

___: it's okay.

Luke: bye I love you.

__: bye love you too.

end of call.

guys: who was it?

___: my brother Luke, he wants to meet you Niall.

Niall: I'll meet my brother-in-law.

Harry: That's Niall.

when my cell phone rings again.

phone call.

___: Hello??

Sofia: ___ did you see that?

___: yes Sofia.

Sofia: tomorrow you will help a band compose songs.

___: really, which one?

Sofia: you'll find out tomorrow.

___: ahh ok

Sofia: ahh get ready in 2 weeks you have a show in Milan.

___: I adore you Sofia you are the best.

Sofia: will you take Niall?

___: of course.

Sofia: do not fall in love.

___: who? I will not

Sofia: bye I have to hang up.

___: bye.

end of call

Zayn: look like everyone wants to call you .

_____: It was Sofia asking if I saw the gossip program.

Niall: we are the couple of the moment.

___: if it's true James.

Niall: don't call me that.

___: Niall pack your luggage

Niall: for what?

___: we will go to Milan in 2 weeks.

Niall: really?

___: yes, and good night.

Guys: good night.


when___ went to sleep the boys started to bother again.

Zayn: Niall we didn't know you guys were the couple of the year.

Louis: not of the year is of the century.

Liam: I have never seen you so happy Niall.

Niall: what are you talking about, am always happy?

My fake boyfriend Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora