Episode 19

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Pov -___
___: Niall it’s not necessary.
Niall: it is, what are you going to buy.
___: I'll bring it.
I had a lot of dresses, skirts, and T-shirts, I went to the checkout to pay but why do all the girls want with Niall or what? because the girl who was at the cashier was flirting at Niall.
___: how much is it?
Xxx: £ 345.
___: Niall baby this time I will pay, okey? - I said giving him a fleeting kiss on the lips- here- I gave her my credit card.
Xxx: thanks for shopping here- she said reluctantly and gave me the card and the bag.
we walk away from the cashier.
Niall: now when we walk in front of them, I'm going to carry you and kiss you, since we're very happy, okay?
___: ok.
We walked laughing and holding hands when we passed in front of him Niall carried me and kissed me so cute, his kisses were so warm, we parted due to lack of air and he got me down then grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.
Xxx: ___ is it you?
___: yes, Logan it’s you?
Logan: yes, wow you have changed?
___: yes hahaha, I want to introduce you to someone he is my boyfriend.
Logan: Logan Henderson- he said shaking his hand with Niall's hand.
Niall: Niall Horan- said separating his hand with Logan's.
Logan: what brings you here ___?
___: the Milano mode donna, you know Fabio invited me.
Logan: I see.
___: not to be rude Logan but I have a surprise for the best boyfriend in the world and we have to go, say hello to the boys.
Logan: no, it’s okey, it was a pleasure to see you again and meet you, I will give your regards to the boy’s bye.
N & _: bye.
We left, I took Niall by the hand to a men's store and I told him.
___: surprise, whatever you want from the store is yours, I invite you.
Niall: but ___ here the clothes are very expensive.
___: I do not take no for an answer.
We entered the store there were many nice things for men and now the one who got bored was me, I was sitting on a large leather sofa waiting for Niall.
After trying on many things and chose several suits a few sweatshirts, some T-shirts and jeans, we went to the checkout.
Xxx: good afternoon.
___: excuse me sir how much is it?
Xxx: it's £ 456
___: here you have.
Xxx: thank you for your purchase.
We left the store and went to a cafe, we sat at a table, Niall ordered a coffee and I ordered a frappe.
Niall: thank you ___.
___: you're welcome Niall.
Niall: now how did Logan broke your heart and if you don't want to, don't tell me, there's no problem knowing, I understand.
___: when I met Fabio I went to many fashion shows and there in a show I met Logan, I thought that after that show I would never see him again and I saw him in a cafe on the outskirts of Milan we started talking we became friends we changed Numbers, passed the time like 2 years and he asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted because I was "very in love with him", 6 months passed it was our anniversary, that day I saw him kissing another and telling her that he loved her, he destroyed me, I completely ran to Fabio's house, I did not know what to do then I reminded that Sofia could help me with my modeling career from London the further away I was it would make it easier to overcome it.
Niall: why didn't you tell me that before I would have broken that good boy's face.
___: but now you know, I managed to overcome it and it no longer affects me at all.
Niall: you mean, you don't care about him anymore.
___: I don't care what he does with his life if he is far from me.
Niall: What I liked the most was that you got jealous with the cashier at the store.
___:  of course not.
Niall: it's true, you could tell for miles that you want to kill her.
___: haha, yes of course- I said sarcastically.
Niall: and why did Logan say you were changed?
___: before my hair was blonde, it was a little plumper, I didn't like dresses, or skirts, I didn’t like to go to out that much, that was the old ___.
Niall: in the same way you would have been beautiful-when he said that I blushed.
___: that’s not true.
Niall: it's the truth- he took my hand-
___: I'm very tired.
Niall: he raises his hand, separating his hand from mine and the waiter arrives right away – can we have the bill please.
The waiter arrived right away and gave Niall the bill, he pays and the waiter leaves.
Niall: let's go- he said and extended his hand to me.
___: let's go-I said and took his hand.

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