Episode 14

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At least I have my handbag where I have my makeup, money, my phone number, documents and many other things. I don't know why I didn't think of putting clothes here.

I put on my natural makeup, I came out of the bathroom and when I came out, I saw Niall who was like this * multimedia *. He looked super handsome.

___: Niall you look handsome.

Niall: thank you, I love the way my clothes fit you.

I look at my watch it was 5:30 we had 30 minutes to go, grabbed Niall's hand and ran away.

Niall: you look beautiful.

___: thanks, but run.

We left the hotel. Niall called for a taxi.

Xxx: where am I taking you guys?

___: at Milano Modal Donna please.

Xxx: are you ___ Gomes and Niall Horan?

N & _: yes

Xxx: would you please give me an autograph for my daughter.

Niall: sure

He gave us a paper but before signing it I asked him.

___: Excuse me what is your daughter's name.

Xxx: ___

Niall: her name is like yours.

___: yes

I signed the paper I gave it to Niall; Niall signed it and gave it to the taxi driver.

___: Thank you

Niall: how much is it?

Xxx: nothing, it's on me.

N&_: Thank's

We got out of the taxi and went to the entrance. There were two guards who would not let us pass.

Xxx: name?

___: ___ Gomez and company.

Xxx: come in.

the guards gave us space to pass we went in there were many models until I saw Fabio from behind.

___: Fabio!!

Fabio just turned to look and when he saw me, he fell to the ground.

___: Fabio, are you okay?

Fabio: ___ Gomez?

___: it's me.

Fabio got up and told me.

Fabio: Girl, what happened to you and who is that handsome man?

___: they lost my luggage at the airport and this is Niall Horan - I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers - my boyfriend.

Fabio: I left you for 3 years and you already have a boyfriend.

Niall: she was the best thing that could happen to me.

I just blushed and lowered my head.

Fabio: come on, I'll fix you up and here Niall- he gave him a front row pass and Niall took it.

Niall: good luck princess.

___: thank you Nialler.

I was going to leave when someone grabs my arm.

Niall: That's not how he says goodbye.

He grab closer and he kiss me until ...

My fake boyfriend Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora