Chapter 12

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Adelina's POV:

The light trickled in from the window a little bit ago but my mind is too preoccupied to acknowledge that fact. 

I stay put, unmoving and almost as if I've been strapped to the bed, trying to figure out my next move. I've ran through many options and hardly any seem plausible.

 I haven't got enough money or ressources de run away. I suppose I could couch surf, but I don't have that many people that I could ask. I can't deny the test results and I know my feelings towards the situation at hand won't be taken into consideration when discussing my placement.

The other issue weighs heavy on my shoulders but hardly my heart. Mom's death is still raw while Michael's is fresh. The more time that passes without any news from the police, the more my worry grows. 

An awkward feeling in my gut swirls everytime the thought of him crosses my mind but I remind myself I haven't done anything wrong.

But they're going to find out what happened in that house.

No they're not

What if they do?

They won't.

I continue similar trains of thought, often deviating into a another worry and another concern. Constantly adding things to the list of thoughts occupying me. 

I sit like that for hours, not paying much attention to my stomach grumbling or my dry throat. I stay in my mind for quite a bit, no one interrupting me but the soothing breeze that making the curtains dance.

It's been a couple days since the DNA test , I wasn't this miserable beforehand. I have a bad feeling about today. There's a pit of knowigness in my stomach that's telling me someting is going to happen before the sun sets. 

The feeling is what strapped me to my bed, unlike the past couple days where I would go out and do something. Anything, with anybody. I hung out with Danny's circle quite a lot but not because they're my friends. Merely because they're people I know like I explained before.

I guess you could say they were similar to the vibe of my best friends and that's why we get along quite well but they aren't my people. We smoked a bit, went to the skate park so they could impress with their skills but ultimately it was a distraction.

The loud rumbling of my stomach breaks me away from my thoughts and I step into reality. My eyes scan the room for moments before I decide to get up.

That's how my day went. It was sluggish to say the least. By 9 o'clock at night I was sitting on the roof, staring up at the sky once again just thinking. Thoughts are a dangerous thing, I don't particualrily enjoy being left alone with mine but that's how life has been for the last week.

I put lips to the bar and suck in a deep breath, relishing in the addictive feeling of nicotine. My nerves have been acting up all day and the small device in my palm is providing some sort of relief and that's all that's important.

My phone rings and I pick it up, checking the caller ID. To no surprise, I find it's Eloise calling me and I suddenly understand the turning in my stomach. I take another puff and quickly blow it out before picking up the phone.


"Hi! Adelina, how are you hun? How are you handling everything?"

Oh yea, Michael died.

Giving the most generic answer and only somewhat the truth I simply reply "It's been a bit rough" and leave it at that.

We talk a bit more about how I'm doing and all, hoping to move on to another subject soon.

"Alright so I have 2 pieces of news for you, one is going to be bad and one is going to be good. Which would you like to hear first?" her excited voice rings out.

"Um," I say, already knowing her version of bad and good is different from mine "start with the good news?" 

"Oh! Usually it's the other way round" she laughed.

I let out a soft but fake laugh in return.

"Well, the DNA tets results came back." 

Fucking hell.

"We found your brothers!" she says once again, very excitedly.

"Oh" is all I manage to say.

"Listen, sweetie, I know this is a big shock to you because you didn't know you had brothers but I'm traveling to their house right about now. I'll probably have to stay in a hotel tonight but tomorrow I'll be visiting their home and meeting them. Don't you worry, I'm not sending you out there if I don't deem them fit to be your guardians."

"Yes, I'm sorry this is just a big shock."

"Of course, I completely understand. The oldest brother, the one who would be your guardian, seemed very nice on the phone and says they're all very eager to see you. What else? Oh yes! If they're as nice as they seem, you'll probably be moving out there within the next 2 days."

Fucking shit.

"Ms.Martin I don't know..." I try to persuade.

"I know honey, I know. But this it what will be done."

That pisses me off.

"Alright" I say, putting an end to the conversation.

"The other news is that, unfortunately, they are closing your stepfather's case. I'm sorry, they haven't found enough evidence to lead to a conviction."

"What," I say, pretending to be outraged and flailing my arm for effect even though she can't see "so I have to deal with the trauma of losing my stepfather and everything that went on in that house that night only to have no closure? Are they even trying?"

I'm actaully very happy about this fact, everything is going according to plan in that situation. I can't say the same about the other one.

"I'm very sorry, no one should have to deal with that but I have no control over what the police does now."

There is a long silence, caused by both of us, before I finally speak.

"I think I'll go to bed" I say.

I pause for a moment before continuing "This is a lot to process, thank you for telling me. I think I'll sleep now."

"Of course, yes, sweet dreams. Don't worry, everything will be alright."

If only she knew that it already wasn't.


Hey loveliesssss

How was everyone's week? Mines been stressful, let me tell you haha.

How did we like the chapter, it's more of a filler but I think we can all guess what's happening in the next one... o.o

Anways, comment your thoughts!

Thank for reading and special thanks to all the supportive comments, y'all make me smile :) :) <3<3

See you next week!

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