Chapter 14

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"Kasumi was very loving in the beginning. We were dating officially until one day she exposed herself and demanded me to go in the jail in her place. She is one of the most wanted criminals of Korea. She goes by the name K.S." Jimin ended.

"You mean the one who had killed commissioner Lee?!" I stood up.

"Yes..." he continued, "Nobody knows her true identity except her gang members and us. She had been blackmailing me for a week."

"Why didn't you tell me or the police?"

"I had never thought that she could be so dangerous. Besides I did not want to worry you all."

"It might have saved us from this situation...."

Jimin sighed. His tone was full of regret. "I regret for falling for Kasumi. I should have known her real identity. Its all because of me! Now, I've even put you two in danger."

"Let by gones be by gones. We're glad that you're safe. And it was my responsibility to help you."


"No 'but' Hyung. You won't believe that how much pain your sister has given me after you had disappeared. She would have ended up in a mental hospital if not me."

I elbowed him, "Shut up! I never told you to."

He glared at me and caressed his skin. "You should be thankful, you know?"

Jimin busted into laughter so as me, but Yoongi. He was as usual sour faced. For a moment it felt like everything was back to normal.

"Now the question is, how do we get out from here?" Yoongi had to ruin my daydream.

"She will leave you once I carry out her order." Jimin exhaled.

My heart became heavy once again, "Why did you say yes!"

"You know why....". I looked down depressingly at my brother's words.

"But there is no guarantee that she will let us go even if you surrender. She can always kill us after you're jailed."

Both my and Jimin's expressions became dark. Yoongi had got a point indeed.

"I'll ask her to let you go first."

"No! I can't let you go in jail without any reason! I and Yoongi will surely come up with a plan. We will save you! That Kasumi will be the one to rot in prison." I gritted my teeth.

Jimin placed his hand on my head. "Calm down, little sis. I believe in you. Now, let's sleep."

'Sleep' was a word which I couldn't deny at that moment. Although it was the most uncomfortable place, but staying with Yoongi and Oppa made my eyelids heavier. I hugged Jimin before drifting into sleep.


A warm breath tickled my neck as I slowly opened my eyes. I found myself hugging Yoongi's arm and his head on my shoulder. He buried his face into my neck. His face was extremely pale and his lips slightly parted as he breathed. His exhalation was tickling my skin. He looked so peaceful and at the same time very attractive. I was paralyzed by his looks as his sleeping posture almost took control over me. Suddenly the realization hit me.

I quickly jolted upright. YAH JILL! WHAT WERE YOU TRYING TO DO?! I slapped myself mentally. I was pretty sure that I was hugging Jimin before going to sleep. Then how come I ended up clinging to Yoongi like a koala?!

Why So Serious?✅   Yoongi X Reader (Feat. Jimin)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt