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"Jace! Jace!" He heard Clary's voice coming into his mind. It would have calmed him knowing she was alive, if she didn't seem so panicked "Hey, i'm right here, what's wrong? Are you alright?" He thought back to her. "Valentine, he has all three mortal instruments, he's gonna raise the angel!" She seemed to be shouting in his mind. "shit." He didn't mean to think it to Clary but she seemed to hear it anyway. "Look we are almost at Idris, we only have like half an hour. I'll stall him. Hurry!" said Clary, sounding afraid. Jace didn't even bother to reply He just filled in his adoptive siblings and took of sprinting down the corridor. He only stopped when he saw a door, guarded by a single circle member. He was tall, skinny and bald with a bright red circle rune on his neck, Jace recognised him,  Milo Coldridge. He wasn't surprised to see he was a circle member, and showed him no mercy either. He needed to see what was behind the door he was guarding. He killed the shadowhunter and threw the door open. behind it sat a tall woman with slightly darker red hair than Clary but the same dazzling green eyes. He didn't even need to ask who she was. "Jace Herondale, nice to meet you, now lets get out of here." He said, In a rush to get back to Clary and make sure she was okay. Jocelyn didn't ask what he was doing, just stood up and asked, "Is she alright?" Jace knew she was talking about Clary, he nodded and walked out the door, passing Isabelle and Alec who were guarding the door replacing Milo, who layed at their feet. "Clary, we found your mum, where are you, we're coming to help." He thought. She didn't answer straight away, causing Jace to panic but a few seconds later he heard her voice, "Jace! The boats stopped, we got off, meet me at lake Lynn"  This was bad. "Fuck!" He said out loud, warning the others something was wrong, "Clary and valentine are on their way to lake Lynn to raise the angel. We need to hurry!" He gave Jocelyn a weapon, since all hers had been taken from her and they left.

The boy with the golden eyesWhere stories live. Discover now