86/91[Flower Skirt]

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Her name is Han Xiaojiao and she is a sophomore in a college. Originally a wealthy family, the daughter of Qianjin, there are a pair of parents who love her, and a brother who loves her.

Her life is almost perfect.

If it was not on the night of September 9, the dark sky suddenly turned fiery red, illuminating the whole earth, and the intense light shining on the animals and plants of the earth, causing global variation, then it will definitely be more perfect.

In their bedroom, the person who was first illuminated by the strange light was the head of the room who went out to see the situation. The lower bunk where she lived was close to the door. When the head of the room came back staggeringly, she hadn't had time to ask anything. She was caught by the other person and took a bite. At the moment when her consciousness fell into darkness, she could clearly see the head's pale face and gray eyes.

When she woke up, it was already dawn, and the originally peaceful world became different.

She stood up and looked around, and suddenly saw the head of the room eating a roommate's offal and was screaming in shock.

Of course, she didn't scream, she didn't seem to speak. Not only did she not speak, she also moved slowly, and even her brain responded slowly. Suddenly thinking of what happened last night, she had a particularly unpredictable feeling, and she could not care about the others. She rushed to the mirror and finally saw what she was like.

Pale skin, there was a bite wound next to the neck, obviously there was no way to heal. No brilliance, gray eyes, so ugly. Her clothes were still splattered with blood, and she looked at the head of the room who was still eating viscera. She looked like her and had to accept reality. She was no longer a human, but a zombie.

The red light of the sky last night was the culprit that caused the last days. This terrible light turned them into zombies.

She didn't know whether she should be thankful or sad, and she became a zombie, but she still had her own consciousness. Although the response was slow, she was not as clever as before, but she still has at least the human mind, not the kind of bite Monster.

She in the mirror, except for the wound on her neck, actually looks relatively complete, especially this beautiful face has not been destroyed a little, she should be satisfied.

Even if she became a member of the zombie, she is still a human mind and still retains a good-looking appearance. Even if it becomes a zombie, she is also the best looking zombie.

She still has a lot of thoughts, her parents, her spoiled brother... and the figure that often appears in the dream, all of which are her concerns.

Therefore, she cannot die, she believes that as long as you wait, that figure will definitely come. Whether it is a human or a zombie, she will wait until her life is over.

The man in the dream has particularly beautiful eyes. No matter what the other person looks like, she can recognize the other person by just glancing at the other person's eyes.

She walked to the head of the room. The other party even took out a **** forest heart to pass it to her. She was not afraid. She might also be a zombie and stared at the other party fiercely. The seemingly fierce head of the room shrank.

She wanted to talk, but she couldn't open her mouth, only opened her mouth, and expressed her meaning. It means that you are not allowed to eat those disgusting things.

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